Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Gift That Keeps On Giving > Rent-A-Bed @ MUG

Image: Tim Hacker/EVT 2/12/2013
These two "muggle-dudes" [tip of the wand to Harry Potter]David Crummey and Ryan Winkle don't look anything like Santa Claus, but once upon a time - three years ago - they organized to start an all volunteer grass-roots movement as an off-shoot of the Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation [NEDCO] called RAIL with one project called Mesa Urban Garden getting established and on-the-ground in a plot of land at 212 East 1st Avenue next to Republica Empanada and the Mesa Family Healthcare Center. It's grown and flourished in the last three years and has good reason to celebrate all the volunteer efforts for an upcoming 4th year with a Full Moon Festival next month.
This community garden harkens back to the time of the city's founding when 1.25-acre lots were allocated to encourage urban farming.
Now 135+ years later, thanks to Creative Place Making and Pioneers in The New Urban DTMesa there's fertile ground in raised beds to rent and reasons to celebrate and help fund another year.

Looking for a creative gift idea that keeps on giving?
Beds Rentals are Available and would make a great gift for someone ready to plant their spring garden in January.
More 411 >>

Mission Statement: Mesa Urban Garden is a community organization that provides fresh produce directly to the community and local food banks. Anyone can sponsor plots for communal or individual use. We are dedicated to making the garden a point of pride for the residents south of Main, and a feather in the cap for the City of Mesa.

MUG's Most Recent Facebook Updates:

Reason to Celebrate:
LUNA LLENA FESTIVAL: Inaugurate and Irrigate our 4th year at MUG
January 23, 2016, 4:00pm
Mesa Urban Garden
Come join our gardening community for a Luna Lllena (Full Moon) Festival! Gardeners from around the Valley join us for a potluck from 5-6pm and then stay for a huge community CELEBRATION from 6PM-? Enjoy door prizes, live music, art, art activities, food, children's activities, food, drinks and much more!

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