Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Is Your Medical Data Safe + Secure ?? Hackers + Open Data

ProPublica came out today with three reports: got enof to worry about??
Policing Patient Privacy
Few Consequences For Health Privacy Law’s Repeat Offenders
Regulators have logged dozens, even hundreds, of complaints against some health providers for violating federal patient privacy law. Warnings are doled out privately, but sanctions are imposed only rarely. Companies say they take privacy seriously.
The story was co-published with National Public Radio's Shots blog.Readers can hear and read the entire transcript by going to this link >> https://www.propublica.org/article/few-consequences-for-health-privacy-law-repeat-offenders

Few Consequences For Health Privacy Law’s Repeat Offenders
Regulators have logged dozens, even hundreds, of complaints against some health providers for violating federal patient privacy law. Warnings are doled out privately, but sanctions are imposed only rarely. Companies say they take privacy seriously

Methodology: How We Analyzed Privacy Violation Data
ProPublica followed the paper trail to find out the health care facilities that repeatedly violated patient privacy laws. Find out how we did it.

HIPAA Helper
Who is Revealing Your Private Medical Information

THE GOOD NEWS: You can explore the data
Sometimes, doctors and hospitals have financial relationships with health care manufacturing companies. These relationships can include money for research activities, gifts, speaking fees, meals, or travel. The Affordable Care Act requires CMS to collect information from applicable manufacturers and group purchasing organizations (GPOs) in order to report information about their financial relationships with physicians and hospitals.
Open Payments is the federally run program that collects the information about these financial relationships and makes it available to you. 
Here's the link for payments made to providers in Mesa

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