Thursday, December 03, 2015

Smile > Who Doesn't Love Cookies?

DT New Urban Mesa > So Retro + So Modern
Heather and Travis Smith created Smith-O-Lator Custom Hand-Decorated Cookie Shop from scratch some months ago.
[noted here in a post way back on June 6, 2015]
The doors are open in a location previously occupied by The Urban Grill where convection ovens now bake cookies
" . . . After all we do love to see you smile, and what better way than with something custom crafted just for you! . . . With a sincere interest in all things vintage and a special fondness for mid-century ...... ".

A spontaneous digital shot yesterday, totally impromptu and totally un-rehearsed, is shown at right.
Main Street business owners Heather Smith and Lindsay Rogers share some over-the -counter chat and smiles while yours truly gets a flash of one in a series of new cookies featuring Main Street enterprises.

YUM > Readers - and those with "a small business" in mind - might take note of the fact that this is a home-grown success story right here in The New Urban DTMesa, as pointed out by Karen Svoboda . . .
Heather started out selling her hand-decorated cookies as a participating vendor in MACFest events - it's one way to get started in business if you live what you do.
For more information on this free arts & crafts event >>
Next event is this Saturday 12 December from 4-9. Be there.

Stop by and see a Gingerbread DTMesa.

In the front window ... only a piece of the 5-foot+ long hand-decorated showpiece, with this section featuring the grand old man of Main Street architecture Pomeroy's Clothing Outfitters.

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