It's outrageous that the fossil fuel industries are permitted to contaminate the air we breathe.
The 15% Arizona goal for renewable energy sourcing isn't high enough and won't come fast enough. It's gonna take more than screaming to fix the problem.
Sure we can "monitor" the problem, like the resource image shown in yellow to the right [it's called a yellow alert] . . . it gets worse tomorrow with a severe danger in the air we breathe!There's is more detailed information and infographics on U.S. Air Quality The Smog Blog that had this to report from two days ago:The Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain states experienced Moderate, code yellow, PM AQI (AirNow, top left). No smoke has been reported (HMS, top right). The NWS surface analysis shows a high pressure system in the Pacific Northwest that could be trapping in pollutants (bottom left). Cloud coverage limits the GASP AOD image (bottom right). See this link with images below >> http://alg.umbc.edu/usaq/
Set aside, if you can for just a while, so-called terrorist threats, threats to national security, the stalled condition of the local and global economies, and climate change. Unhealthy and dangerous air-quality - not just for "sensitive groups" - is a real existential threat here and now in the air all around us that we breathe.Demand and take action to get the problem fixed. It is an immediate and credible threat here and now [you can believe it's real by all these 'alerts'] to our well-being and health.
Comments on this post are invited.
Media Contacts
Bob Huhn Public Information Officer Maricopa County Air Quality Department
(602) 506-6713 desk (602) 526-7307 cell
1001 N. Central Ave, suite 500 Phoenix, AZ 85004
Lucette Gonzalez
Media Specialist Maricopa County Air Quality Department
(602) 506-7396 desk (602) 376-9390 cell
Same address as above
- See more at: http://cleanairmakemore.com/news-events/press-and-media/#sthash.yZYCzcV4.dpuf
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