Tuesday, December 15, 2015

See The Difference You Made > When The Public Speaks Out + Gets Engaged

Encouraging words from Mantill Williams, Voices for Public Transit Community Coordinator:
Over the past several months, you helped us deliver our message to Congress by speaking out in a variety of ways.

Your efforts helped us make it impossible for Congress to ignore this issue or delay taking long-term action any longer.
We’re still letting the news sink in—Congress actually passed a fully funded, five-year transportation bill with increased investment in public transit!
December 4 was a milestone for American public transit—and our nation’s entire transportation system.
For the first time in nearly a decade, Congress passed a long-term transportation bill—the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act or “FAST Act.” President Obama signed the bill into law just hours before current authorization of transportation programs expired. Voices for Public Transit advocates helped break the impasse in Washington.
We made it clear that the status quo was unacceptable.
The steady escalation of communications from the Voices for Public Transit community over several months made fixing public transportation an issue that Congress could no longer ignore.
- See more at: http://voicesforpublictransit.org/blog.aspx?id=12-10-2015#sthash.Hfl04N8y.dpuf

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