Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Real ID or Real Nightmare?? RFID Chips? 1984 Deja VU

While visions of sugar plums might be dancing through people's heads, there's a mad dash at the Arizona State Legislature to pass through the current snow-job of fear-and-anger a clever provision crafted by Senator Bob Worsley, R-Mesa into this year’s legislation
to enact the Real ID Act - specifically barring the use of RFID technology in a half-measure step to total surveillance and/or supposedly giving Arizona drivers "a choice" for what kind of driver's license they want after April 1, 2016 . . . good choice of a date for that: April Fool's Day!

State legislators approved a measure in 2008 prohibiting the MVD from producing a Real ID-compliant license, largely under the influence of then Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano, who resigned from that office [leaving it to the nationally-embarrassing Republican Jan Brewer], to become "Big Sis" heading up the Department of Homeland Security until she resigned from that job too.
Napolitano rightfully called it "an unfunded mandate" at that time
Curiously, both sides of the political spectrum - The John Birch Society and the American Civil Liberties Union - were united in their concerns, proving the point that you can't fool all the people all of time.
The Real ID Act of 2005 would turn our state driver’s licenses into a genuine national identity card and impose numerous new burdens on taxpayers, citizens, immigrants, and state governments – while doing nothing to protect against terrorism. As a result, it is stirring intense opposition from many groups across the political spectrum. This Web site provides information about opposing Real ID.

Read more: http://www.realnightmare.org/

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