Saturday, December 05, 2015

PHX Biz Jounal Wakes Up to Creative Place Making > New Urban DTMesa

... and wants readers to pay for a subscription to get the full stories. It's called a pay wall
A paywall is a system that prevents Internet users from accessing webpage content without a paid subscription . . . Why is Mesa mayor John Giles using a pay wall publication to talk about so-called "challenges" and "opportunities" in downtown Mesa??
OK, Who wants yesterday's news?
Here's the headline by Senior Reporter Mike Sunnucks in a report 04 December @ 4:00 a.m. in Industries & Tags: Commercial Real Estate,Education
Downtown Mesa trying to shed its conservative image via the arts and an eclectic mix of local businesses
"Trying to shed . . . ???" What kind of cocoon has he been in?
Yours truly, in a mellow way, has been on the beat on the streets here posting about THE METAMORPHOSIS IN THE NEW URBAN DTMESA in this blog for quite a while now, - they're not locked up behind a paywall if you want to read "the full story . . . there's always more to the story . . .  for instance why does Mesa have that conservative image?
Metamorphosis = A Big Thing [ya know, like meta-data]

Exactly at the same time yesterday - at 04:00 a.m. - Mike Sunnucks uploads another article:
Mesa Mayor John Giles talks downtown
We asked Mesa Mayor John Giles about the East Valley city’s downtown area, including its challenges and its opportunities.
You can hit the blue underlined link to the first one and hit this link > for the second . . .
Wanna get the full stories? Then you have to subscribe and that's with paid subscriptions: $90.00 for a year for either pint or digital

Your MesaZona blogger doesn't even try to give [not charge] whatever PBJ wrongly claims to be "the full story" - there's always more to the story + not getting spoon-fed the news.
Is this open and transparent when PBJ readers have to pay to hear what the mayor has to say about "challenges" and "opportunities" ??????????
. . . and what do other people - all engaged in THE BIG WE - have to say?

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