Sunday, December 20, 2015

Wot About Those Year-End Wrap-Ups? . . . Have You Heard from City Hall?

Here's a checklist of elected and appointed officials  who swear to open government, engaging the public, transparency, and being held accountable for what they do, and have been doing in 2015:
Mayor John Giles
City Council Members Glover, Kavanaugh, Finter, Richins, Luna and Thompson
City Manager Chris Brady
Ass't City Managers Kari Kent and John Pombier
City Econ & Development Director Bill Jabjiniak
Housing & Community Director Liz Morales
City Chief Technology Officer Alex Deshuk
Have they taken the time to inform residents and taxpayers of their accomplishment for this year? What got done - not promises, projections, challenges or opportunities.

If not, readers are invited to contact City Hall [see how easy it is]

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