Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Update to Nov 9 Post Here > Save the Pioneer Park Train

Almost five years after this 2:29 You Tube upload on January 19, 2010 the same two people mentioned in a recent article in The Arizona Republic were talking about the fund-raising campaign on "Mesa Now" - fast-forward five years into the future it's Mesa Now all over again!. . . Are we trapped in a time-warp here?  
Or is this initiative finally on a fast-track thanks to a dedicated group of private individuals pushing the slow-moving wheels of public city government full-steam ahead?
Yes, dear readers, IT IS TIME . . . Please scroll down this site to read the 29 post on this site with the headline "Time to Give Rail History A Place In The New Urban Downtown Mesa"
For some readers of this site who might be history buffs, here's a link to a short no comment video showing the dedication of Southern Pacific Steam Engine #2355 back in 1958 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PigpxmuI1QE&feature=player_embedded

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