Saturday, December 26, 2015

THE : FUTURE : LABORATORY > Top Tech Trends 2016

Bloomberg Business spoke to Peter Firth, Insight Editor at the Future Laboratory about what he thinks will be the top tech trends for 2016. (Video By Austin Brown & Muhammad Darwish).
The brief 2:22 video was uploaded three days ago December 23, 2015 @ 3:08 a.m. MST. Readers can view the video with this link >> 
Firth, seen in the image to the right, talks about three macro trends:
1. Social Commerce [S-Commerce]
2. Facial Recognition
3. Artificial Intelligence + Machine Learning
All you social media twirlers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumbler, and Pinterest might be interested in the convergence he talks about
Just like yours truly, readers might be getting curious about THE : FUTURE : LABORATORY, one of the world’s most renowned futures consultancies that inspires and future-proofs organizations.
What do they do?

The Future Laboratory exists to help clients to make a better future for their business by giving them the confidence to take the decisions today that will create economic, environmental and social growth tomorrow
The Future Laboratory is unique, with a dedicated team who constantly research, analyse and document the new and the next, and set out the implications for organisations across 14 industry sectors globally. Its approach is based on data, facts and research – using a proprietary methodology named Cultural Triangulation, which results in robust actionable strategies..
From their offices in London, Melbourne and New York they help their clients to harness market trends, understand and adapt to emerging consumer needs, position their business for success and keep them ahead of competitors

LS :N Global is a division of THE : FUTURE : LABORATORY
Recent articles include the one of tech trends 2016 featured in this post z= Muslim Buzz, Squeezing the Middle, Vehicle for Change [Uber], Blocking the Competition, and Group Therapy . . .
Check all that at >>

Headlines and other stuff [examples below]

Globalisation is back, but not as we know it. No longer driven by governments or big brand corporations, it is being accelerated by a community of rootless global grazers.
The authenticity bubble is about to burst. We propose a world of Anti-authenticity Marketing, a call to 
arms to stop using tropes that have no place in the commercial world.
The digital revolution has made us smarter, but narrower. How can we rediscover discovery and bring revelation back into our lives?


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