Wednesday, December 09, 2015

COMPASS > Who Points The Way To Go??

This could get embarrassing . . .maybe the title of this publication, put out by the Mesa Chamber of Commerce and published by Republic Media, gets it all wrong.
3 people who want to make themselves the center of attention on the front cover of
Mesa, Arizona Resource Guide 2016
It's out now for all next year . . . in what direction are we headed with this bald-faced self-promotion of three certain individual??? [one is now out of the picture due to a recent scandal]
Transparency + Accountability = WhatWorksMesa
Putting herself at the center of attention in a red dress is Sally Harrison, President & CEO Mesa Chamber.
To the left of center in the cover photo by Ivan Martinez and Canyon State Now is Mesa Mayor John Giles, who will be announcing a re-election campaign today for a full four-year term. Does that image look Photo-Shopped?
If re-elected, he said he wants to tackle the "several things that we're still not doing well or underperforming on. "He has yet to "flesh out" details on his to-do list according to a report today by Maria Polletta where he mentions Creative Place Making - the subject of many posts here.
In a previous post here about Mesa shedding its conservative image, what the mayor has to talk about the "challenges" and "opportunities" is put behind a paywall.

The only one not bald-faced is Steve Banta, former Valley Metro CEO who suddenly resigned under a cloud as Arizona Republic reporter Craig Harris is about to blow the lid on his expense account.
In a strongly-worded opinion report on 03 December 2015 Laurie Roberts pummels the behind--the-scenes actions to keep the public in the dark. The AZ Attorney General has been asked to investigate.
The Valley Metro boards – comprised of 21 public officials from across the Valley -- have now called for an audit of the books. This, just four months after giving Banta a $25,000 bonus.
Yesterday  @ 3:17 p.m. Laurie Roberts is still in the story scandal with the headline
Roberts: Cry no tears for Valley Metro's $tephen Banta
He's basically walking away with a $265,000 annuity . . . read the scathing stuff yourself.

Like thousands of other people attracted to downtown by the bronze sculptures on the sidewalks [see an earlier post on one donated in 2003], your MesaZona blogger always got a chuckle of two seeing this one mounted on the edge of the pool fountain with water streams in front of City Hall.
Looks innocent enough, right?

Take a close look at those ducks getting fed from both the front-hand and the back-hand at the same time . . . and both hands know what they are doing
Sometimes a picture might be worth a thousand words.

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