Saturday, December 05, 2015

Born In Mesa > Marshall Trimble, Official Historian For The State of Arizona

At 10:00 o'clock this morning he entertained a small and enthusiastic group for a public performance in the Saguaro Room at the Main Public Library.
Yes, dear readers, Arizona's "official historian" is an entertainer + a good one to boot in Trimble's Tales today.
With an honored career in teaching and academics, receiving awards and citations, and more than 15 Arizona history books under his belt, he looked and talked more like a down-home genuine sitting-around-the-campfire singing cowboy.

When asked to tell some tales about being born in Mesa in 1939, he said about five towns made that claim.
Early on his family came here from Virginia, they lived in Kyrene, and he went to school in Lehi getting a serious crush for his teacher, Miss Schumway. Both of his parents at some times in their lives worked in the citrus groves and cotton fields here. He attended the old Mesa High School.
He got fed up with how American history was taught and was asked to come up with something better for a new teaching position if 35 students wanted to sign up - 350 wanted him to teach history - and so his career took off with no signs of stopping.

On his website
11/1/14 - A note about retirement - "The newspapers and social media have written and said a lot about my retirement. It's true, I did retire but I haven't missed a day of work since. I'm still in my old office at Scottsdale Community College; still state historian; still speaking at conventions, museums, schools, churches; still writing; still performing; and still trying to be a goodwill ambassador for the State of Arizona."
On May 8, 2015 Marshall received True West Magazine's "2015 Westerner Award"
On July 7, 2014 Senator John McCain had this to say:
“On behalf of all Arizonans, I want to thank our state’s official historian, Marshall Trimble, for his years of dedicated teaching service at Scottsdale Community College, from which he is retiring this year. Marshall Trimble is a true Arizona original. Born in Mesa and raised along historic Route 66 in Ash Fork, Marshall’s infectious enthusiasm for Arizona’s history and culture led him to begin teaching classes on the history of the southwest at Scottsdale’s Coronado High School in 1969. For the next five decades, Marshall taught, sang and wrote about our state and its colorful historical characters, keeping alive our pioneering Old West spirit for generations of Arizonans. In 1997, Governor Fife Symington bestowed Marshall with the title Official State Historian, an honor continued by each successive governor. Arizona owes Marshall a deep debt of gratitude for his many contributions to our state, and we look forward to his continuing to entertain and educate us for many years to come.”
On this Monday, December 7 - "a day that will go down in infamy" - Marshall Trimble, veteran and state historian will be the Master of Ceremonies for ceremonies held every year by the City of Phoenix for the Pearl Harbor Day Walk  leaving the Cityscape Starbuck's at 10:30 a.m

For all his books >>

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