Tuesday, April 23, 2019

1 Big Thing = China's Road To Global Dominance

The Peoples Republic of China is now delivering 300% more growth in Gross Domestic Product year-after-year than our own "We The People" American Capitalism, ruled by a legion of elites hell-bent on waging endless global warfare all over the planet and outer Space
Both China and Russia are looking more like Super Powers all the time in our Multi-Polar Universe.
From Axios.com today
Later this week, Chinese President Xi Jinping will show the world how far he's come in his 30-year plan to make his country the world's supreme power, Axios World editor Dave Lawler writes.
Upwards of 40 world leaders will join him in Beijing for the second international gathering on his Belt and Road Initiative, a plan to build a massive network of ports, roads and railways across some 65 countries.
Why it matters:
When you can get that many powerful people to come to you in Beijing, you're starting to look a lot like a superpower.
The U.S. remains the world's leading economic, military and technological power. But with Beijing’s investments, massive market and willingness to work with democrats and dictators, when Xi calls, much of the world is willing to come