Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A Very Basic Primer: City of Mesa's Bond Ratings 2015-2018

THE CITY'S BOND RATINGS - General Obligation Bonds and Utility Revenue Bonds - HAVE GONE DOWN. From two different credit-rating agencies: Moody's and Standard & Poor's.
One independent Truth in Accounting released a report in January 2019 stating that Mesa's Finances are troublesome.
. . . This post is intended in good faith to help you understand



BLOGGER NOTE: Notice that one underlined word in the above statement from a city webpage: debt. When the City of Mesa spends money, somebody is responsible to pay it back somehow, except for federal funding, and grants from different sources that might have strings-attached.
That's a link farther down in this post to the page where readers of this blog - or anyone - can see more about accounting.