Noted today from a Buy-and-Sell Alert yesterday afternoon

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Transactions costs should also include the bid/ask... Read More
Posted by Glen Chin on April 9, 2019 at 2:16 pm
Windacre Partnership Llc increased its stake in Moodys Corp (MCO) by 204.58% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC.
Windacre Partnership Llc bought 1.09 million shares as the company’s stock rose 8.52% with the market.
- The institutional investor held 1.62M shares of the consumer services company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $226.49M, up from 531,000 at the end of the previous reported quarter.
- Windacre Partnership Llc who had been investing in Moodys Corp for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $35.10 billion market cap company.
- The stock decreased 0.67% or $1.25 during the last trading session, reaching $185.92. About 83,666 shares traded.
- Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO) has risen 3.44% since April 9, 2018 and is uptrending.
It has underperformed by 0.93% the S&P500.
Historical MCO News:
02/05/2018 – Moody’s Assigns Aa2 To City Of Mesa, AZ's General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018

OK, but let's take a look at a ratings chart from 2015 and a ratings chart from last year 2018
What that means = Higher Interest rates on Municipal Debt
2018 Bond Ratings | ||
Type of Bond
| Standard & Poor's | Moody's |
General Obligation Bonds | AA- | Aa2 |
Utility Revenue Bonds | AA- | Aa2 |
The City issues debt in the form of bonds in order to finance long-term capital improvements such as streets,buildings, utility systems, etc. computers. The financed assets should also have at least the same useful life as it would take to repay the bond (e.g., a building would qualify, but a police sedan would not). Issuing bonds allows the City to meet infrastructure needs while paying for the assets as they are used. Because municipal bonds are typically tax-exempt, they usually carry a lower interest rate than other types of debt, and are therefore an attractive source of financing.
The City uses two main types of bond financing:
General Obligation
Utility Systems Revenue bonds. The ratings for these bonds are show above.
General Obligation (G.O.) Bonds are used to finance
- public safety
- street
- park
- library
- storm sewer projects.
They are repaid primarily through
- secondary property tax
- development impact fees
- sales tax revenue.
G.O. Bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the City.
Utility Revenue Bonds are used to finance
solid waste projects.
solid waste projects.
Utility Revenue bonds are repaid from revenues received from the customers of each particular utility.
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Aa2 What is Aa2?
Aa2 is the third highest credit rating that ratings agency Moody’s assigns to fixed income securities like bonds. The higher the rating, the more likely the issuer is to meet its financial commitments and the lower the risk of default.
The credit ratings assigned by the various ratings agencies, like Standard & Poors, Moody’s and Fitch, measure the probability that the borrower will default. They are based primarily upon the insurer's or issuer's creditworthiness.
Moody's ratings, for example, start Aaa for prime bond issuers with the lowest risk down to C, which is usually given to securities that are in default with little chance of the principal or interest being repaid.
The time, effort, and money necessary, including such things as commission fees and the cost of physically moving the asset from seller to buyer. Link >
Transactions costs should also include the bid/ask... Read More
Kornitzer Capital Management Inc decreased its stake in Fluor Corp ‘New’ (FLR) by 46.77% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC.
Kornitzer Capital Management Inc sold 10,805 shares as the company’s stock declined 9.86% while stock markets rallied.
- The institutional investor held 12,295 shares of the military and government and technical company at the end of 2018Q4, valued at $396,000, down from 23,100 at the end of the previous reported quarter.
- Kornitzer Capital Management Inc who had been investing in Fluor Corp ‘New’ for a number of months, seems to be less bullish on the $5.49 billion market cap company.
- The stock decreased 2.24% or $0.9 during the last trading session, reaching $39.33.
- About 78,267 shares traded.
- Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR) has declined 32.45% since April 9, 2018 and is downtrending.
It has underperformed by 36.82% the S&P500.
Analysts await Fluor Corporation (NYSE:FLR) to report earnings on May, 2.
They expect $0.54 earnings per share, down 3.57% or $0.02 from last year’s $0.56 per share.
FLR’s profit will be $75.39M for 18.21 P/E if the $0.54 EPS becomes a reality.
After $0.77 actual earnings per share reported by Fluor Corporation for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -29.87% negative EPS growth.