Sunday, April 21, 2019

Russell Pearce Redux: A Conservative Mesa Mormon Republican On-The-Fringe Again

This time around with another Mesa Republican U.S. Congressman Andy Biggs at a "Patriotism over Socialism" rally staged in conservative stronghold Gilbert last week.
Pearce says blood may need to be spilled to protect the country. (
"It may take the shedding of blood to keep this Republic and I, for one, am willing to do whatever it takes," the former president of Arizona's Senate, said in a recent speech.

Aw-aw . . . Better pick up the phone and call Mitt!
Pearce endorsed Romney back in 2014.
He also endorsed Mark Freeman last year in a campaign to get elected to the Mesa City Council.
Will the rest of Republicans holding public office here in Mesa now come out to disavow these hate-speech riddled remarks four days ago?  Mesa Mayor John Giles?
Pearce's remarks could certainly scare away immigrants to register for the 2020 Census, whether citizens or not.
Is Russell Pearce planning a bloody coup?
Laurie Roberts, Arizona Republic 12:56 p.m. MT April 19, 2019 | Updated 4:05 pm.
Opinion: Recalled Senate President Russell Pearce this week went officially over the bend as he suggested that violence may be needed to get the country back on track
. . . 3TV’s Dennis Welch reports the recalled state senator – who now makes six figures working for Maricopa County – fired up his fellow right wingers during a rally this week, . . Pearce, decked out in flag-motif sports shirt and felt hat, gave what Welch described as a “rambling speech”  . . . Pearce has long been known – renowned, really – for having one of the most obnoxious mouths in the Republican Party.
> He’s a guy who rails against big government and calls himself a champion of the taxpayer even as he enjoys three taxpayer-supported pensions. 
> Pearce's brand of politics was long ago rejected by voters.
"We have stupid leaders, stupid politicians and it’s time we start replacing those who refuse to stand up for the values that those have shed blood for," he told the crowd Monday.
By replace, I'm hoping he meant via a public vote not a rocket launch.
Link >

18 April 2019
The one and only Russell Pearce and the... - Patriot Movement AZ
4 days ago
The one and only Russell Pearce and the wrap up of Patriotism over Socialism.
