Thursday, April 11, 2019

BIG Jammed-Up Tentative Agenda For Regular Mesa City Council Meeting Mon 15 April 2019

Let's try to put some fun into government-and-politics for a change. Boogie your bad self on down to your keyboard on whatever device you choose to use to get information.
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Whoa! that was easy to get to the entire April 2019 Calendar for the Mesa City Council. Easy as that.
Now the hard part. Scan the lines. What day do you want?
There it is, printed looks like yesterday for the review at the study session this morning at 07:30 a.m. this morning 11.04.2019.
Did you notice the Tentative Agenda for Monday, April 15th's meeting @ 5:45 p.m.  goes on-and-on for 18 pages? . . . and that
"All citizens are permitted and encouraged to speak on agenda items including and preceding “Items from citizens present.” ??
Introduction of the following ordinances and setting May 6, 2019 as the date of the public hearing on these ordinances:
> 19-0415 ZON18-00984 (District 4) 
Within the 700 block of South Stapley Drive (east side) and the1200 block of East 8th Avenue (north side).  Located south of Broadway on the east side of Stapley Drive (0.9± acres).  Rezoning from RM-3 and OC to NC-BIZ; and Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for a commercial development.
Adaptive Architects, Inc., applicant
Pro Tax Financial Services, LLC, owner.                                                              
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0) *6-a

>19-0416 ZON19-00070 (District 6) Within the 8000 block of East Ray Road (north side).  Located west of Hawes Road on the north side of Ray Road (36± acres). 
Rezone from AG-AF to LI-AF-PAD; and Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for an industrial development.
Jack Gilmore, Gilmore Planning & Landscape Architecture, applicant;
Kay & Judy Toolson Joint Trust/Crisko, LLC, owner. 
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0)

> 19-0413 ZON18-00806 (District 6) 
Within the 3100 to 3400 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (west side).  Located north of Elliot Road on the west side of Ellsworth Road (67.5± acres). 
Rezone from LC-PAD and PEP-PAD to LI;
Site Plan Review; and a
Special Use Permit for a reduction in parking. 
This request will allow for an industrial development.
Jeffrey Blilie, Beus Gilbert, PLLC, applicant;
Sunbelt Land Holdings, LP, owner.
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0)

(Page 16 City of Mesa Printed on 4/9/2019 April 15, 2019City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative
>19-0414 ZON18-00980 (District 5) 
Within the 2600 block of North Power Road (east side).  Located south of McDowell Road on the east side of Power Road (10.43± acres).  Rezoning from RM-3-PAD to RM-3-PAD; and Site Plan Review.
This request will allow for a multi-residence development. Timothy Tyson, Aquila Las Sendas, LLC, applicant; Continental 452 Fund, LLC, owner. 
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0)
7 Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following ordinances:
19-0305 ZON18-00933 (District 6) 
Within the 10800 to 11600 blocks of East Williams Field Road (south side), the 6000 to 6300 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (east side), the 6000 to 6300 blocks of South Mountain Road (west side), the 6000 to 6500 blocks of South Mountain Road (east side), and the 6000 to 6300 blocks of South Meridian Road (west side).  Located south of Williams Field Road east of Signal Butte Road
(203± acres). 
Rezone to modify an existing PAD; and Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the modification of the PAD for single residential development. Sean Lake, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant
Groh Revocable Trust, Demuro Properties, SB CLB 18, LLC, Tres Points, LLC, owners.  
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0)
> 19-0374 ZON19-00016 (District 6) 
Within the 7100 to 7600 blocks of East Elliot Road (north side) and the 3100 to 3500 blocks of South Sossaman Road (west side).  Located north of Elliot Road and west of Sossaman Road
(187± acres). 
Rezone from LI-PAD-PAD and PEP-PAD-PAD to EO to create the Red Hawk Employment Opportunity Zone. 
This request will establish zoning to guide future development of employment and industrial uses. 
W. Ralph Pew, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant
MBR Land I, an Arizona General Partnership, MBR Land I, LLP, B&K Land Investment Co., et al, and Morrison Ranch, Inc., owners.
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions
P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0)
Now please pay attention to the Items on the Consent Agenda and note:
"All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be considered as a group by the City Council and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or citizen requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item.  If a citizen wants an item removed from the consent agenda, a blue card must be completed and given to the City Clerk prior to the Council’s vote on the consent agenda."
Downtown Façade Improvements Project - Phase 1,
Dollar-Limit Increase for Added Scope of Work (District 4)
The scope of phase 1 of this project was to renovate the façades of ten buildings along Main Street between Country Club Drive and Center Street. 
During the design phase of the project, visual investigations were made to understand the existing building façades, without causing damage to the existing structures or impact to operating businesses.  However, once construction began on the first seven properties, numerous unexpected conditions were encountered that were not apparent during the design phase.
Staff recommends a dollar-limit increase for the added scope of work to the construction contract with Rytan Construction by $107,000, from $852,239.30 to $959,239.30, for the Downtown Façade Improvement Program - Phase I. 
This increase is funded by
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) grants,
Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), and the
General Fund, which will be reimbursed from FY 2019/20 CDBG grant funding

> Pre-Construction Services contract in the amount of $58,541.

> Water Line and Gas Line Replacement Project(Various)
CMAR Selection and Pre-Construction Services Contract (Districts 3, 4, and 6)
These contracts will be limited to $1,500,000 per job order
Total contract value not-to-exceed $10,000,000 for each year of the contract, per contractor.
One-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for
  • Five Master Job Order Contracts;
  • three contracts for the General Utility Construction Services and
  • two contracts for Specialty Utility Construction Services.

> Not-to-exceed limit of $1,500,000 per job order; a total contract value not-to-exceed $5,000,000 for each year of the contract, per contractor.
One-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Two Master Job Order Contracts for Landscape Construction Services. (Citywide)
Job Order Master Contracts for landscape construction services include renovations and repairs, additions, demolition, and facility upgrades for a broad range of City landscaping improvement projects

Purchase of a Digital Signage Solution (Upgrade) for the Mesa Convention Center as requested by the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide)
$69,919.21, based on estimated requirements.  This purchase is funded by Capital Enterprise Fund - Convention Center sub-fund.
One-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Performance Cooling Water Treatment Program for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department (Citywide)
authorizing the renewal with Water & Energy Systems Technology Inc. (W.E.S.T. Inc.) (a Mesa business), at $73,816, based on estimated usage.

> $400,000 annually, based on estimated usage. 
Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Entertainment Production Services for the Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Department, and the Arts and Culture Department (Citywide) 
This purchase is funded by the Enterprise Fund - Convention Center sub-fund ($200,000) and the Arts and Culture Department - Mesa Arts Center operating budget ($200,000).
skip skip 

> $275,000 annually, based on estimated usage.
One-Year Renewal to the Term Contract for Jet A Aviation Fuel for the Police Department (Citywide)
This contract provides Jet A Aviation Fuel for the Police Department, Aviation Unit’s three helicopters, which are based at Falcon Field Airport.
The Police Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with MercFuel, Inc., dba Mercury Fuels, Inc.,

3 Contracts for Fleet Services Department
#1. $360,250 annually or a total of __________________________________________
Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Aftermarket Parts for Automotive and Light-Duty Trucks (for the Fleet Services Department) (Citywide)
This contract will provide various aftermarket parts to support Mesa’s fleet of light-duty vehicles.
#2. 1,000,000 annually or __________________________________________________  
Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Emergency Vehicle Equipment and Installation Services for the Fleet Services Department (Citywide)
#3 increasing the dollar-limit with Redburn Tire Company (Mesa location); by $75,000, from $300,000 to $375,000 annually, with an increase allowance of up to $75,000 should the County opt to extend for a second  
Three-Month Extension with a Three-Month Extension Option and Dollar-Limit Increase to the Term Contract for Bridgestone Tires for the Materials and Supply Warehouse (for the Fleet Services and Mesa Fire and Medical Departments) (Citywide)
> Guaranteed Maximum Price of $1,007,901, plus an additional $100,790 (10%) as a change order allowance, for the total award of $1,108,691. 
Project funding by 2014 authorized Electric bonds.
Robson Electrical Substation East Bay Transformer - Switchgear Replacement CMAR Project - GMP No. 1 (District 2)

> $5,571,298.15, and authorize a change order allowance in the amount of $557,130 (10%), for a total award of $6,128,428.15. 
This project is funded by 2013 authorized Street bonds and 2010 authorized Gas bonds
Southern Avenue, Greenfield Road to Higley Road - Arterial Roadway Improvements Project (District 2)
Quite a few - take a look at Item 5
Requesting approval for Staff to continue negotiations to acquire certain property located in the 2200 block of North Center Street for the construction of athletic fields, and in order to avoid construction delays, authorizing and directing Staff, that fee title, or other interests in, and possession of, certain property, be acquired by the City of Mesa through eminent domain, as a matter of public necessity. (District 1)
> Approving an increase in the maximum dollar amount for individual job orders under existing Job Order Master Contracts for the following construction services: general, landscape, utility, water and wastewater, gas line, and transportation, from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 per job order, and authorize the City Manager to approve future job orders under the Job Order Master Contracts. (Citywide)
> Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement with RagingWire Data Centers, relating to approximately 86 acres of property located near the northwest corner of Elliot and Signal Butte Roads for the purpose of “opting-in” to the Elliot Road Technology Corridor zoning overlay. (District 6)
> Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement with Hawk Ventures LLC, relating to approximately 63 acres of property located near the northeast corner of Elliot Road and the Crismon Road alignment for the purpose of “opting-in” to the Elliot Road Technology Corridor zoning overlay. (District 6)