Saturday, April 06, 2019

The Newtown Community Development Corporation Was The First Community Land Trust (CLT) in Arizona.

Mission: to increase the supply of permanently affordable housing while developing and supporting homebuyers through innovative programs and partnerships.
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Newtown Community Development Corporation (Newtown) is a Tempe-based 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Newtown was first incorporated in 1994 as Northwest Tempe Neighborhoods CDC Inc. by community members to address concerns about housing, access to basic goods and services, neighborhood preservation, sustainable development and diversity.
In 2004 the CLT of Tempe merged into Newtown. It was then that Newtown’s name was changed from Northwest Tempe Neighborhoods CDC Inc. to Newtown Community Development Corporation. Newtown also established itself as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) at that time: one-third of its board members are either low-income, live in a low income census tract or represent a low-income group.
In 2008 Newtown became a HUD-Approved Housing Counseling Agency and now provides Housing Counseling services to participants throughout the Phoenix metro area.
Homebuyer workshops are provided in Chandler, Glendale, Scottsdale and Tempe. Counseling services are provided in both English and Spanish.
Also in 2008, the Board of Directors decided to strategically expand Newtown’s CLT program to surrounding communities. There are now over 136 CLT homes in Chandler, Glendale, Scottsdale and Tempe.
David Crummey, Real Estate Development Manager

Lives here in Mesa -
Please fill in the blanks ___________________________
David Crummey has been with NEDCO since 2013 as our Real Estate Community Development Specialist.
He is the man that worked hard to ensure the Mesa ArtSpace Lofts would be built in our downtown, which will be breaking ground beginning of 2017.
He is one of the founders of RAIL Mesa and the Mesa Urban Garden, and is one of the people who made sure that Free Movies on Main happened every month for a year on the Sliver Lot.
Not to mention his endless support and willingness to take on whatever NEDCO needed at any time.
Crummey brought many skills, endless passion, and a bottomless vessel of knowledge to NEDCO.
Fortunately for us, we will continue to have Crummey as part of the team in his limited role ensuring that ArtSpace stays on track and gets established seamlessly in our growing downtown.

Community Land Trust
Newtown’s Community Land Trust (CLT) program provides access to homeownership for homebuyers who are otherwise priced out of the housing market. CLT homes are sold for a price well below the prevailing market. CLT homes provide greater security than renting. CLT owners benefit from stable monthly payments, security from eviction, and have an opportunity to build equity through homeowner-ship. The CLT also protects the community’s investment in affordable housing. Newtown provides on-going support to CLT owners to help ensure their success as homeowners. Newtown has not had any CLT homes go to foreclosure.