Thursday, April 11, 2019

Final Agenda: Mesa City Council Study Session @ 07:30 Thu 11 April 2019

One-day public notice, published yesterday just the day before this scheduled study session.
Here's a friendly reminder for readers of this blog site:
The Mesa City Council sets policies based on the input and needs of its citizens. 
If members of the public - citizens who live here - don't speak up or communicate in any way with the seven elected members of the City Council, there is a missing link in our democracy. Simply put, government here cannot be effective.
What might surprise you is that yes it is important that the city pays lip-service to engagement in city government by the public at the same time admitting that city government has failed to get citizens actively engaged for the most part. Nonetheless the city says it encourages and values your input.
More than that - at least in one important area Population-Driven Revenues they city wants you to count . . .
  • The City of Mesa receives approximately $330 per person in state-shared revenue annually for each resident counted
  • It is estimated that each person counted directs $2,865 of federal funding to education, transportation, healthcare, housing and other needs in Mesa each year
Please notice that when every person counts for the city's bottom-line income, they do develop the strategic outreach and engagement plan to encourage city residents to respond to the census questionnaire.
Yes, there are consequences: The input that the mayor and the six city councilmembers do receive will then originate from other sources than the public without you . Not everything is fair in politics as you probably realize when there are other competing priorities that will set and determine the policies here in the City of Mesa. With that in mind, here's what on the agenda for today's study session.
At first glance the list on Agenda Items might look easy-and-simple. FAIR WARNING > It is not just 1, 2, . . . 3
1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the April 15, 2019 regular Council meeting.
2 Presentations/Action Items:
  • 19-0405 Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the Police Department budget. (Item 2-a)
  • 19-0471 Appointments to the 2020 Census Task Force (Item 2-b)
3 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees.

  • 19-0460 Housing and Community Development Advisory Board meetings held on February 26 and February 27, 2019 (Item 3-a)
  • 19-0473 Economic Development Advisory Board meeting held on March 5, 2019 (Item 3-b )
Here are meeting details and links for Item 2 and Item  3

File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
19-0405 2-aPresentationHear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the Police Department budget.  Not available
19-0471 2-bAppointmentAppointments to the 2020 Census Task Force.  Not available
19-0460 3-aMinutesHousing and Community Development Advisory Board meetings held on February 26 and February 27, 2019.  Not available
19-0473 3-bMinutesEconomic Development Advisory Board meeting held on March 5, 2019.  Not available

The purpose and work of the Taskforce is to increase response rates from individuals that would otherwise not be counted, thereby increasing population driven revenues to the City over the next decade. 
Here is the Council Report
First note the Fiscal Impact

Fiscal Impact 
The City of Mesa receives approximately $330 per person in state-shared revenue annually for each resident counted.

According to the George Washington University report, Counting for Dollars 2020, it is estimated that each person counted directs $2,865 of federal funding to education, transportation, healthcare, housing and other needs in Mesa each year. 
The purpose and work of the Taskforce is to increase response rates from individuals that would otherwise not be counted, thereby increasing population driven revenues to the City over the next decade. 

City Council 
Date:  April 11, 2019
To:  City Council
Through: Christopher J. Brady, City Manager 
                Scott Butler, Deputy City Manager
From:  Jeff Robbins, 2020 Census Administrator 
Subject: Appointment of New Members to the 2020 Census Taskforce  

Purpose and Recommendation 
The purpose is the appointment of new members to the 2020 Census Taskforce. 
This taskforce is responsible for developing the strategic outreach and engagement plan to encourage city residents to respond to the census questionnaire.
The taskforce relies on community influencers to create localized messaging that educates and motivates people to respond to the 2020 U.S. Census. 

On October 15th, 2018 the Mesa City Council Appointed 24 members to the 2020 Census Taskforce.
Several of the original appointees are no longer able to serve on the taskforce and staff has identified replacements.  
The taskforce will disband in the summer of 2020 after most of the nonresponse follow-up to the census has concluded. 

The following individuals and organizations have volunteered to serve on the taskforce: 
Nancy Cressy, Outreach Coordinator, Trinity Church
Kathy Dickinson, Local Outreach Coordinator, Central Christian Church
Angela Gaetano, Director of Parish Leadership Support, Catholic Diocese of Phoenix 

Choose not to add members to the taskforce.  


Item 2-a
Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the Police Department budget.
Mesa Police Department
April 11, 2019 
Mesa is One of the Safest Large Cities in the United States
• Part 1 Crime Rate per thousand residents is an all time low of 24.3
FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22 FY22/23 Total Sworn-Patrol 12 14 10 15 51 Sworn-Other 5 2 1 0 8 Professional Staff 8 7 10 6 31 25 23 21 21 90

•Customer Service

•Community Engagement Academy
•Mental Health Initiatives
Housing and Community Development Advisory Board meetings
February 26 and February 27, 2019.
Attachments: 1. Housing and Community Development Advisory Board Feb 26, 2019,
2. Housing and Community Development Advisory Board Feb 27, 2019

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