Monday, April 22, 2019

Why You Shouldn't Get Excited About 5G | Untangled

It's not gonna be cheap - hundreds of billions of dollars > a whole new infrastructure where wavelength used has a very a very short range - about 1000 ft. Lamp posts will all have to get wired up and all this will take more than a few years . . . then there's "pushback" and what we don't know about 5G radiation
Published on Apr 21, 2019
Views: 248,679 at time of upload to this blog
5G networks are slowly rolling out. It will be 10 times faster than 4G LTE, which will open up possibilities for wireless VR experiences, reliable driverless cars, and medical advances. But there are a few hurdles 5G needs to overcome before consumers can really take advantage of it.

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