Sunday, April 21, 2019

Changes in Planning & Zoning Board Meeting Schedules

Here's a press release from The City of Mesa Newsroom 
Planning and Zoning Board to hold meetings twice a month
April 18, 2019 at 2:07 pm
If readers of this blog would like to see the last PZ Board Meeting here it is:
Planning & Zoning - 4/17/2019 - Duration: 7 minutes, 45 seconds.
4 days ago

Blogger Insert:
The seven members conduct hearings and make recommendations to the City Council on requests for changes in zoning and on required site plans. They also consider and recommend changes in the City's long-range plans and in the Municipal Code concerning planning and zoning matters. Members are appointed for staggered terms of three years. Meetings are broadcast live on Mesa Channel 11.
Board Members:
Michelle Dahlke, Chair
Dane Astle, Vice Chair
Shelly Allen
Jessica Sarkissian
Tim Boyle
Jeffrey Crockett
Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo
Staff Contact: Nana K. Appiah
City of Mesa Planning Division
55 N. Center Street
P.O. Box 1466
Mesa, AZ 85211-1466
Beginning in May, the City of Mesa Planning and Zoning Board (P&Z) will meet twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 4 p.m. in the Upper Level Council Chambers, 57 E. First St., Mesa. Until this change, the P&Z met once a month.
The addition of a second board meeting is part of the City's on-going effort to provide timely review of land use applications and improve its customer service.
The addition of a second P&Z meeting has also enabled the City to implement a corresponding application submittal deadline for P&Z cases on the first and third Monday of every month, instead of once a month.
Another major improvement is providing a formalized conference for applicants to discuss review comments with City staff prior to resubmitting revisions to their land use application documents.
The purpose of this meeting is to help resolve review comments and keep projects on schedule.
With this improvement, the development community and residents can properly plan their project schedule and know the specific review timelines, as well as have the opportunity for more assistance from City staff in the land use review process.
Under the new schedule, the Mesa Planning and Zoning Board will meet May 8 and May 22.
For more information,
Development Services
Contact: Kevin Christopher
Tel. 480-644-4699