Tuesday, April 30, 2019

City of Mesa Planning & Zoning Board PUBLIC HEARING Wed 17 April 2109

Take a look at this Public Hearing - it's less than 8 minutes long, with 10 items on the Agenda.
What does the Chairman of the PZ Board have in her hand at the start when there's some chatter background conversation caught on mic, followed by some confusion on procedures and what sounds like nervous giddy relief. . .
WHY do the members of the PZ Board appear and sound like they are "relieved"??
This post will go into just one item - Item *3-a to illustrate what due diligence or any attention might look like and how much time it takes to get a basic understanding of just this one item. Let's look at two attachment links for Item 3-a and then you can judge for yourselves if there is adequate discussion by the members of the PZ Board.
NOTE: This is supposed to be A PUBLIC HEARING. How many members of the public can you actually see in the opening of this streaming video upload to YouTube. Pay attention to the end also for a question to confirm what was just approved. 
Please Note how many members of the public are actually at this Public Hearing staged in the Upper Chambers at the City Council Building located on First Street?
What's your informed guess? _____ maybe 4 or 5
Here are the links to the Meeting Details and the Agenda so you see what's on the agenda of this hearing that lasts all of 07:45 minutes.
The Agenda has 10 Items: What exactly gets discussed??
Also Note in Item *3-a  A Legacy Traditional Academy school is already under construction
Meeting Name: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/17/2019 4:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers - Upper Level
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  

4-Page Agenda with 10 Items on the Consent Agenda
Items on the Consent Agenda
2 Approval of minutes from previous meetings. PZ 19045 Minutes from the March 19, 2019 and March 20, 2019 study sessions and regular hearing.

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April 17, 2019 Planning and Zoning Board

Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final
3 Take action on the following zoning cases:

> PZ 19046 ZON18-00929 District 6.
Within the 2800 and 2900 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (west side) and within the 10600 to 10800 block of East Guadalupe Road (south side). Located on the south side of Guadalupe Road and the west side of Signal Butte Road.
(4.5 ± acres).
Site Plan Modification.
This request will allow for the development of a group commercial center.
Tina Heinbach, Garrett Development Corporation, Inc., applicant
Walgreen Arizona Drug Co., owner.
(Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Commercial Site SWC E. Guadalupe Rd & S. Signal Butte Rd”, associated with item *5-a).
Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
*Item 3-a

Let's take a look at that
File #: PZ 19046   
Type: PZ Zoning - Action Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing
On agenda: 4/17/2019
Title: ZON18-00929 District 6. Within the 2800 and 2900 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (west side) and within the 10600 to 10800 block of East Guadalupe Road (south side). Located on the south side of Guadalupe Road and the west side of Signal Butte Road. (4.5 ± acres). Site Plan Modification.
This request will allow for the development of a group commercial center.
Tina Heinbach, Garrett Development Corporation, Inc., applicant; Walgreen Arizona Drug Co., owner. (Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Commercial Site SWC E. Guadalupe Rd & S. Signal Butte Rd”, associated with item *5-a). Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map,
2. Staff Report,
3. Grading and Drainage Plan,
4. Landscape Plan,
5. Elevations,
6. Narrative,
7. Citizen Participation Plan,
8. Citzen Participation Report 

STAFF REPORT 417 KB > It's 3 pages!
Planning and Zoning Board  Case Information 
LOCATION/ADDRESS:  Within the 2800 and 2900 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (west side) and within the 10600 to 10800 block of East Guadalupe Road (south side). 
GENERAL VICINITY:  Located on the south side of Guadalupe Road and the west side of Signal Butte Road.
REQUEST:  Site Plan Modification and Preliminary Plat titled “Commercial Site SWC E. Guadalupe Rd & S. Signal Butte Rd Mesa, Arizona”.
PURPOSE: This request will allow the development of a group commercial center.
OWNER: Walgreen Arizona Drug Co.
APPLICANT: Tina Heinbach, Garrett Development Corporation Inc.
STAFF PLANNER:  Wahid Alam, AICP-Planner II 

PARCEL NUMBER: 304-01-022A
DEVELOPMENT AREA: 4.5± acres EXISTING ZONING: Limited Commercial - LC GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Neighborhood: Suburban 
CURRENT LAND USE: Vacant undeveloped land.  
NORTH:  (across Guadalupe Road) Existing shopping center – zoned LC-PAD. SOUTH:   Existing residential subdivision – zoned RS-6 PAD.
EAST:   (across Signal Butte Road) Existing residential subdivision – zoned RS-6 PAD.
WEST:   Legacy Traditional Academy school (under construction) – zoned AG. 
  • January 22, 1990: Annexed (Ordinance # 2483) and subsequently zoned AG & SR (Z90-010, Ordinance# 2512)
  • April 2, 1990: Establish city zoning AG & SR (Z90-010 (Ordinance# 1512)
  • October 1, 2018: Rezoned from AG to LC and Site Plan Review to allow the development of a group commercial center (ZON17-00384, Ord.# 5469).    
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:  Approval with conditions  
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/REQUEST This request is to allow modifications to a previously approved site plan (ZON17-00384).

The site is P&Z Hearing Date: April 17, 2019 P&Z Case Number: ZON18-00929 
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approximately 4.5± acres and currently undeveloped.

The proposed site plan shows four pad sites/lots to be developed. 
Lot 1/Pad A is for an 8,500 square-foot building (a 3,300 square feet restaurant with an associated drive-thru, another restaurant 1200 square feet and  with a retail space for 4,000 square feet) with two 400 square-feet each of outdoor seating.
Lot 2/Pad site B is for a 4,500 square feet building (a 3,000 square feet restaurant with an associated drive-thru and retail space for 1,500 square feet).
Lot 3/Pad site C is for a 4,500 square feet building (a 3,000 square feet restaurant with an associated drive-thru and retail space for 1,500 square feet).
Lot 4/Pad D consist of a 96,000 squarefoot, two-story above ground self-storage facility.  
The previous approved site plan (case# ZON17-00384) showed three pad sites.
Pad site A included a9,300 square feet building for retail and restaurant with a drive-thru.
Pad site B showed a 4,500 square feet building for restaurant with a drive-thru and retail space.
Pad site C showed a self-storage facility for 103,476 square feet.
The proposed site plan associate with this request (ZON18-00929) included an additional lot/pad site.  

The applicant has completed a Citizen Participation process, which included mailed letters to property owners within 1,000’ of the site, as well as Home Owners Associations (HOA) and registered neighborhoods within a mile radius of the site. 
According to the applicant, there has been no response from those notified expressing support or opposition to the request.
However, below is the summary of concerns expressed by the surrounding residents during the review of the rezoning of the property in 2018 (case# ZON17-00384):
A substantial number of residents who also attended a neighborhood meeting to discuss the project on February 13, 2018 expressed opposition to development of a car wash and a selfstorage facility on the property.  The residents expressed the need to develop the property for restaurant uses. After the neighborhood meeting and discussions with the surrounding residents, the applicant decided to abandon the initial plan to develop a car wash facility on the property. According to the applicant, all property owners and HOAs within 1000 feet of the site were notified of the decision to abandon development of a car wash on the property and many of the residents had expressed appreciation for the collaboration. The applicant has also included a “good neighbor policy program as part of the subject request”.  This is a private agreement between the subject property owner and the neighboring property owners.    
Staff have not received any phone calls or emails from surrounding property owners to express support or opposition to the request.

The applicant will be providing an updated Citizen Participation Report prior to the April 16, 2019 Study Session. 
Staff will provide an update to the Board during the scheduled Study Session. 

MESA 2040 GENERAL PLAN: Staff reviewed the request and determined it is consistent with the criteria for review as outlined in Chapter 15 (pg. 15-1) of the Mesa 2040 General Plan. The uses also conform to the General Plan character area designation on the property. The property is located within the Neighborhood Suburban character type designation. Per Chapter 7 of General Plan, the proposed uses are listed as typical uses within the neighborhood suburban sub-type character designation. 
ZONING: P&Z Hearing Date: April 17, 2019 P&Z Case Number: ZON18-00929 
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The proposed site is zoned Limited Commercial (LC).  Per Section 11-6-2 of the City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance, the proposed uses are permitted in the LC zoning district. 
SITE PLAN-MZO Section 11-69-5: The site plan shows four buildings proposed on the property. Three of the buildings include associated drive thru service. The site plan shows the drive-thru service lanes will wrap around the proposed buildings as outlined in Section 11-31-18 of the City of Mesa Zoning Ordinance. Overall, there are three proposed vehicular access to the site. One of the access will be on Guadalupe Road located north of the site. The remaining two access will be on Signal Butte located west of the site. The site plan also shows  pedestrian connectivity between the proposed buildings and street sidewalks along Guadalupe and Signal Butte road. All parking requirements shown on the site plan conform to the minimum parking standards required. Per Section 11-32-3 of the MOZ, the minimum parking required is 136 spaces. The site plan shows 137 parking spaces. Overall, the proposed site plan is an improvement to the previously approved site plan associated with case# ZON17-00384.   
Design Review:

On March 19, 2019, the Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed design and landscape plans for the proposed self-storage facility on the property and recommended minor modifications to the plans. The applicant is working with staff to include the suggested revision s to the plans. 
PRELIMINARY PLAT Section 9-6-2 of the Mesa Subdivision standards requires approval of all subdivision plats located in the City to be processed through six progressive review stages.

The first review stage is Pre-Submittal Conference.
Review and approval of a preliminary plat is the second stage in the series of the review stages. Per Section 11-66-2 of the MZO, the preliminary plat is reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Board. 
All approved preliminary plats are subject to potential modification through the City’s Subdivision Technical Review process, which is the third stage after the P&Z’s approval of the preliminary plat. The Subdivision Technical Review process considers the overall design of the subdivision and details, such as utilities layout, ADA compliance, detention requirements, etc. This Technical Review process can sometimes result in modification to lot sizes and configuration, as well as reduction in the number of lots. 
CONCLUSIONS: The request is consistent with the General Plan and the site plan review criteria outlined in Section 11-69-5 of the MZO.  Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:  

1. Compliance with the final site plan submitted.
2. Compliance with all City development codes and regulations.
3. Compliance with all requirements of Design Review.
4. Compliance with all requirements of ZON17-00384, except as modified by this request.
 5. Compliance with all requirements of the Subdivision Regulations.  

NARRATIVE 3 Pages: 219 KB
March 5, 2019 
City of Mesa Planning & Zoning 55 N. Center St. Mesa, AZ 85201 
Re:   Site Plan Modification – Revised Project Narrative ZON18-00929 

To Whom It May Concern: 
GB-SB, LLC (“Developer”) is submitting this project narrative along with the final submittal documents for the Site Plan Modification case no. ZON18-00929. 

The subject site is located on the southwest corner of Signal Butte Road & Guadalupe Road in Mesa (2836 S Signal Butte Road).
The 4.53 acres site is currently vacant and shares the corner with a new Legacy Traditional School.  
The site was recently rezoned from Agricultural to Limited Commercial (case no. ZON17-00384) and complies with the existing General Plan Designation.  During the rezoning process a site plan was approved showing 2 retail/restaurant pads and an enclosed self-storage facility.  The site plan was approved with the following stipulations:   
1. Compliance with the basic development as shown on the site plan submitted, except as modified by the conditions below (without guarantee of lot yield, building count, lot coverage). 
2. Compliance with all requirements of Design Review process. 
3. Compliance with all City development codes and regulations. 
4. Dedicate the right-of-way required under the Mesa City Code at the time of application for a building permit, at the time of recordation of the subdivision plat, or at the time of the City’s request for dedication, whichever comes first. 
5. Prior to submittal of the first building permit, submit a revised site plan for review and acceptance by the Planning Director that includes the following: a) Relocate the building on PAD A to the south so it frames the north side of the driveway  access located between Lot 1 and Lot 2. b) Relocate the building on Pad B to the north so it frames the south side of the driveway access located between Lot 1 and Lot 2. c) Compliance with foundation base requirements from Sec. 11-33-5 of the Mesa Zoning Ordinance. d) Stamped asphalt or similar material on 5’ of the paved surface located next to the rollup doors on the west and south sides of the self-storage building. The surface material
must be distinctly different from the 25’ wide driving surface. The total width of the paved surface is 30’. e) A throat depth, for the shared access drive along Guadalupe Road, that meets or exceeds the throat depth for the access drive to the school located to the west. f) An internal pedestrian connection between PAD A and PAD B and between PAD B and Pad C. g) A 6’ wide pedestrian connection from Signal Butte Rd to the school to the west. The pedestrian connection to be located along the shared access drive south of PAD C. 
6. The perimeter landscaping along Signal Butte Road and along Guadalupe Road to be installed in the first phase of development. 
7. If the project is developed in phases, provide a phasing plan prior to submittal of the first building permit. 
We are proposing a site plan modification to reduce the building footprint of the self-storage facility and create an additional commercial pad for retail/restaurant use.  Previous iterations of the site plan showed two auto-related uses on the subject site.  Developer spoke with several community members whom did not support the auto-related uses.  The community members requested light retail and restaurants which are more desirable uses.  Developer’s final plans have been revised to reflect the community’s input.  
The proposed site plan addresses all concerns stated in Stipulation #5.  The remaining stipulations will be addressed prior to the application for building permit.  The following uses are being proposed: 
- Pad A:  Pad A will remain an 8,500sf shops building as shown on the original approved site plan.  Developer has relocated the building further south to frame the driveway access on Signal Butte and Guadalupe roads as requested by staff in the zoning stipulations.  Developer is currently negotiating leases with a sit down Mexican Food restaurant, a pizza shop, and a local nail salon.  Elevations have been updated to give this building a more modern feel. 
- Pad B:  Developer is currently showing a 4,500sf building with a drive through and quick serve restaurants, coffee concepts and local service retail users.  No users have been determined at this time.  
- Pad C:  Developer is currently showing a 4,500sf building with a drive through.  This site is being marketed to all drive through and quick serve restaurants, coffee concepts and local service retail users.  Developer is in the early negotiations with a local healthfood drive through concept for this pad.   
- Pad D:  Pad D will remain a self-storage facility; however, the building footprint has been reduced to improve site circulation based on staff’s site plan comments which provided the opportunity for additional retail/restaurant users. 
The previous rezoning/site plan approval case contained significant neighborhood outreach.  Developer has continued to update neighbors throughout this development process.  We believe the neighbors would welcome the opportunity for a reduced self-storage building footprint to allow for additional retail space. If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me directly at 480-970-4005 or
tina@gdc-az.com.  We look forward to working with the City of Mesa.     
Best regards, 
Tina Heinbach GB-SB, LLC c/o Garrett Development Corporation  


> PZ 19033 ZON18-01014 District 1
Within the 800 block of North Country Club Drive (east side).  Located south of Brown Road on the east side of Country Club Drive. 
(4.5± acres). 
Site Plan Modification. 
This request will allow for the expansion of an existing Child Crisis Arizona facility.
Brent Henderson, Henderson Engineering Group, LLC, applicant
Child Crisis Arizona and First Christian Church, Inc. of Mesa, owner.
(Continued from March 20, 2019).
Planner: Veronica Gonzalez
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
> PZ 19048 ZON19-00020 District 6.
Within the 9100 block of East Guadalupe Road (south side). Located west of Ellsworth Road on the south side of Guadalupe Road.
(1± acres).
Site Plan Review.
This request will allow for the development of a restaurant with a drive-thru.
Carolina Salgado, Marks Architects, Inc., applicant
USTOR-Eastmark, LLC, owner.
Planner: Cassidy Welch

Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

> PZ 19050 ZON19-00069 District 6.
Within the 5600 block of South Power Road (east side).  Located south of Ray Road on the east side of Power Road.
(1.05 ± acres).
Site Plan Review.

This request will allow for the development of an automobile repair facility.
Adam Kogan, SRA360, applicant
Karen Thelander, owner.
Planner: Wahid Alam
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
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April 17, 2019 Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final
4 Discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council on the following zoning cases:

> PZ 19051 ZON18-00891 District 3. 
535 West Baseline Road.  Located west of Country Club Drive on the south side of Baseline Road. 
(1.4± acres). 
Rezone from NC to LI. 
This request will allow for the development of an industrial use.
Matthew Rettig, applicant
PDE Investments, LLC, owner.
Planner: Evan Balmer
Staff Recommendation:
Request by applicant to continue to the May 22, 2019 meeting

> PZ 19049 ZON19-00063 District 6.
Within the 10200 and 10300 blocks of East Pecos Road (south side). Located on the south side of Pecos Road east of the Crismon Road alignment.
(19± acres).
Site Plan Review.
This request will allow for the development of an industrial facility 
Sean Lake, Pew and Lake, PLC representing Old Dominion, ODFL Mesa, applicant

Williams Gateway Land Inv. LP/GFLP/ET AL, owner.
Planner: Wahid Alam
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

> PZ 19052 ZON19-00067 District 5.
Within the 400 to 600 blocks of North Ellsworth Road (west side) and within the 9000 to 9200 blocks of East Decatur Road (south side).  Located north of University Drive on the west side of Ellsworth Road. 
(13.1± acres).
Rezoning from RS-9 and RS-43 to RM-3-PAD; and Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the development of a multi-residential use.
Sean Lake, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant
Ellsworth-University, LLC, owner.

Planner: Evan Balmer
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions 

5 Discuss and take action on the following preliminary plats:
Page 3 City of Mesa Printed on 4/16/2019
April 17, 2019Planning and Zoning Board - Public Hearing Meeting Agenda - Final
> PZ 19047 “Commercial Site
SWC E. Guadalupe Rd & S. Signal Butte Rd” District 6. Within the 2800 and 2900 block of South Signal Butte Road (west side) and within the 10600 to 10800 block of East Guadalupe Road (south side). Located on the south side of Guadalupe Road and the west side of Signal Butte Road.
(4.5 ± acres).
Preliminary Plat. 
Tina Heinbach, Garrett Development Corporation Inc., applicant
Walgreen Arizona Drug Co., owner.  
(Companion Case to ZON18-00929, associated with item *3-a).
Planner: Wahid Alam
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

> PZ 19028 “Eastmark DU 3/4 North (Phase 4) MDR”   District 6
Within the 4700 through 4900 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (east side) and the 9200 through 9500 blocks of East Ray Road (north side). Located south of Warner Road on the east side of Ellsworth Road.
(62.4± acres).
Preliminary Plat.
Eric Tune, Brookfield Development, applicant
DMB Mesa Proving Grounds, LLC, owner
. (ZON18-00992)
Planner: Ryan McCann
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions

File #Agenda #TypeTitle
PZ 19045 2-aPZ MinutesMinutes from the March 19, 2019 and March 20, 2019 study sessions and regular hearing.                                                
PZ 19046 3-aPZ Zoning - ActionZON18-00929 District 6. Within the 2800 and 2900 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (west side) and within the 10600 to 10800 block of East Guadalupe Road (south side). Located on the south side of Guadalupe Road and the west side of Signal Butte Road. (4.5 ± acres). Site Plan Modification. This request will allow for the development of a group commercial center. Tina Heinbach, Garrett Development Corporation, Inc., applicant; Walgreen Arizona Drug Co., owner. (Companion Case to Preliminary Plat “Commercial Site SWC E. Guadalupe Rd & S. Signal Butte Rd”, associated with item *5-a). Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions                                              
PZ 19033 3-bPZ Zoning - ActionZON18-01014 District 1. Within the 800 block of North Country Club Drive (east side). Located south of Brown Road on the east side of Country Club Drive. (4.5± acres). Site Plan Modification. This request will allow for the expansion of an existing Child Crisis Arizona facility. Brent Henderson, Henderson Engineering Group, LLC, applicant; Child Crisis Arizona and First Christian Church, Inc. of Mesa, owner. (Continued from March 20, 2019). Planner: Veronica Gonzalez Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 19048 3-cPZ Zoning - ActionZON19-00020 District 6. Within the 9100 block of East Guadalupe Road (south side). Located west of Ellsworth Road on the south side of Guadalupe Road. (1± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a restaurant with a drive-thru. Carolina Salgado, Marks Architects, Inc., applicant; USTOR-Eastmark, LLC, owner. Planner: Cassidy Welch Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 19050 3-dPZ Zoning - ActionZON19-00069 District 6. Within the 5600 block of South Power Road (east side). Located south of Ray Road on the east side of Power Road. (1.05 ± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of an automobile repair facility. Adam Kogan, SRA360, applicant; Karen Thelander, owner. Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 19051 4-aPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON18-00891 District 3. 535 West Baseline Road. Located west of Country Club Drive on the south side of Baseline Road. (1.4± acres). Rezone from NC to LI. This request will allow for the development of an industrial use. Matthew Rettig, applicant; PDE Investments, LLC, owner. Planner: Evan Balmer Staff Recommendation: Request by applicant to continue to the May 22, 2019 meeting  Not available
PZ 19049 4-bPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON19-00063 District 6. Within the 10200 and 10300 blocks of East Pecos Road (south side). Located on the south side of Pecos Road east of the Crismon Road alignment. (19± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of an industrial facility. Sean Lake, Pew and Lake, PLC representing Old Dominion, ODFL Mesa, applicant; Williams Gateway Land Inv. LP/GFLP/ET AL, owner. Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 19052 4-cPZ Zoning - Discuss and RecommendZON19-00067 District 5. Within the 400 to 600 blocks of North Ellsworth Road (west side) and within the 9000 to 9200 blocks of East Decatur Road (south side). Located north of University Drive on the west side of Ellsworth Road. (13.1± acres). Rezoning from RS-9 and RS-43 to RM-3-PAD; and Site Plan Review. This request will allow for the development of a multi-residential use. Sean Lake, Pew & Lake, PLC, applicant; Ellsworth-University, LLC, owner. Planner: Evan Balmer Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  Not available
PZ 19047 5-aPZ Preliminary Plat“Commercial Site SWC E. Guadalupe Rd & S. Signal Butte Rd” District 6. Within the 2800 and 2900 block of South Signal Butte Road (west side) and within the 10600 to 10800 block of East Guadalupe Road (south side). Located on the south side of Guadalupe Road and the west side of Signal Butte Road. (4.5 ± acres). Preliminary Plat. Tina Heinbach, Garrett Development Corporation Inc., applicant; Walgreen Arizona Drug Co., owner. (Companion Case to ZON18-00929, associated with item *3-a). Planner: Wahid Alam Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions                                                              
PZ 19028 5-bPZ Preliminary Plat“Eastmark DU 3/4 North (Phase 4) MDR” District 6. Within the 4700 through 4900 blocks of South Ellsworth Road (east side) and the 9200 through 9500 blocks of East Ray Road (north side). Located south of Warner Road on the east side of Ellsworth Road. (62.4± acres). Preliminary Plat. Eric Tune, Brookfield Development, applicant; DMB Mesa Proving Grounds, LLC, owner. (ZON18-00992) Planner: Ryan McCann Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions  
NO VIDEO FOR THIS Meeting Details/Study Session

Meeting Name: Planning and Zoning Board - Study Session Agenda status: Final

Meeting date/time: 4/17/2019 3:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  

Meeting location: Council Chambers - Lower Level

Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  

Meeting video:  


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