Monday, April 15, 2019

Fast Jammin' Today For The Mesa City Council: A Public Hearing, A Study Session + A 17-Page Agenda For The Regular Meeting

It's hard if not impossible to get a handle on all these 'items' up in front of the public and the Mesa City Council today starting at 5 o'clock.
There have already been two public study sessions on what is now the Final 17-page Agenda for tonight's regular meeting - and it's the first item again for review at the Study Session. The second item is a presentation, and the third is an announcement [and appointments to] a new Task Force.

Let's get the links to Item 2-a and 2-b for the Study Session @ 5:00 p.m. posted here if you want to take a look beforehand. The scheduled time allotted is 45 minutes - and that's after any discussion about all the important items on the BIG Final Agenda for the regular meeting!
Up first is a 13-slide Power Point Presentation
> Development Services Proposed Fiscal Year 19/20 Budget
[Please take a look - didn't see any budget numbers, just some graphs about how fast the phones get answered, numbers of walk-ins, number of pageviews, etc.] 

> Mesa Achieves Higher Education Task Force
Blogger Note: There are only administrators or city officials who have been appointed to this group by the mayor
Establishing the Task Force is a clear recognition of the fact that Mesa Public Schools have failed to deliver basic outcomes for educational achievements for years - and now there might "a plan", piggy-backed onto Achieve 60AZ
The Appointment Memo is reproduced farther down in this post.

File #Agenda #TypeTitle   
19-0406 2-aPresentationHear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on the Development Services Department budget.                                                      
19-0487 2-bAppointmentCreation of the Mesa Achieves Higher Education Task Force and appointments to the Task Force.
PLEASE NOTE: You can access and review all these meeting details Click Here 
PUBLIC HEARING is at the very end of the regular meeting's agenda Item *7-a and *7-b
You need to scroll down 16 pages to find them
7 Discuss, receive public comment, and take action on the following ordinances:
19-0305 ZON18-00933 (District 6) 
Within the 10800 to 11600 blocks of East Williams Field Road (south side), the 6000 to 6300 blocks of South Signal Butte Road (east side), the 6000 to 6300 blocks of South Mountain Road (west side), the 6000 to 6500 blocks of South Mountain Road (east side), and the 6000 to 6300 blocks of South Meridian Road (west side).  Located south of Williams Field Road east of Signal Butte Road
 203± acres
Rezone to modify an existing PAD; and Site Plan Review. 
This request will allow for the modification of the PAD for single residential development. Applicant: Sean Lake, Pew & Lake, PLC

Owners: 3
Groh Revocable Trust,
Demuro Properties, SB CLB 18, LLC,
Tres Points, LLC

Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions

P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0)
(Page 16 City of Mesa Printed on 4/11/2019 )

19-0374 ZON19-00016 (District 6) 
Within the 7100 to 7600 blocks of East Elliot Road (north side) and the 3100 to 3500 blocks of South Sossaman Road (west side).  Located north of Elliot Road and west of Sossaman Road
187± acres)
Rezone from LI-PAD-PAD and PEP-PAD-PAD to EO to create the
Red Hawk Employment Opportunity Zone. 
This request will establish zoning to guide future development of employment and industrial uses. 
Applicant: W. Ralph Pew, Pew & Lake, PLC

MBR Land I, an Arizona General Partnership
B&K Land Investment Co., et al
Morrison Ranch, Inc., owners.
Staff Recommendation:  Approval with conditions

P&Z Board Recommendation:  Approval with conditions (Vote: 7-0)

April 15, 2019
SUBJECT: Mesa Achieves Higher Education Task Force
The following is an overview and my recommendations for appointments to the Mesa Achieves Higher Education Task Force.

The Task Force will be responsible for developing the City of Mesa’s Achieve60AZ action plan for the purpose of improving higher education outcomes. Through examination of nationwide programs and best practices, the Task Force will determine the strategies necessary to elevate Mesa’s educational attainment.
The Task Force will meet monthly throughout 2019 and bring any proposed recommendations to the City Council.
Through Achieve60AZ, Arizona has set an ambitious goal for the State’s future.
By 2030, the goal is to ensure 60% of Arizona adults, aged 25-64 have at least two years post-high school attainment such as a certificate, license, or degree.
This is critical for meeting future business workforce needs. 

Task Force Members
The following individuals are being recommended to serve on the Task Force: Councilmember Francisco Heredia, Co-Chair
Councilmember Jen Duff, Co-Chair
Dr. Richard Haney, Mesa Community College President
Jonathan Schmitt, ASU Assistant Vice President – Educational Outreach & Student Services
Dr. Ember Conley, Mesa Public Schools Superintendent
Elaine Miner, Mesa Public Schools Governing Board President
Dr. Shane McCord, Gilbert Public Schools Superintendent
Vince Yanez, Helios Education Foundation Senior Vice President of Community Engagement
Mike Hutchinson, East Valley Partnership Executive Vice President
Deanna Villanueva-Saucedo, Mesa Community College Community Engagement Director Jaye O’Donnell, City of Mesa Assistant Economic Development Director

Fiscal Impact

Creation of this Task Force has no fiscal impact on the City of Mesa. Any fiscal recommendations proposed by the Task Force will be brought to the City Council for consideration.