Saturday, April 06, 2019

Saturday 13 April 2019: One Year After Opening Mesa ArtSpace Lofts Wraps-Up 2 Artist-In-Residence Prototypes

The Mesa Prototyping Project Artist Residencies are wrapping up. They - and you - will be celebrating with featured community art projects from the two participating neighborhoods from 10A-2P Saturday 4/13. The groups are excited to have you join in to enjoy local music, poetry, delicious food, live mural painting and interactive creative opportunities (like enameling, button making, plant projects, etc) as we all celebrate our diverse community and local pool of talent.
[Invite the neighbors on Hibbert Street]
Mesa Prototyping Project: Community Celebration!

Generously supported by:
  • CORE Construction
  • Sunbelt Holdings
  • LISC Phoenix
  • National Endowment for the Arts

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