Monday, April 22, 2019

When In Doubt > Disclose | Eastmark Community Facilities District No.1 and District No.2

Hardly anyone pays any attention at all to these PUBLIC HEARINGS - they usually fly under-the-radar screen in less than two or sometimes five minutes. What the hell does the average member of the public, or the average member of the Mesa City Council - really know about Eastmark?
or How they get financed? Bonds & Investments?
Financial obligations? and WHO IS THE BOND BUYER?
Comments from citizens Present: Never any
There are reporting requirements to the Security & Exchange Commission. If anyone would like to know more, be my guest >
Videos of these two Public Hearings are inserted below.
You can access the links using the underlined source above.

If you want, please take the time to read the Approved Minutes from the 10 Dec 2018 Public Hearing . . . notice who does what 
1 Items from citizens present.
2 19-0477 Approval of minutes from the December 10, 2018 meeting
3 Take action on the following resolution:
   19-0476 Adopting continuing disclosure compliance procedures relating to the District's bonds and financial obligations.
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2 days ago
3 Take action on the following resolutions:
19-0332 Canvassing, declaring, and adopting the results of the General Obligation Bond and Operation and Maintenance Ad Valorem Property Tax Election held on April 4, 2019, for the Eastmark Community Facilities District No. 2 and adopting and ordering the recording of a Certificate of Result for such election.

Adopting continuing disclosure compliance procedures relating to the District's bonds and financial obligations.
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2 days ago