Monday, August 31, 2020

Press Release: 8 Weeks of Coronavirus Task Force Reports Kept Secret by the White House

Reports Contradict the President’s Repeated False Statements

Washington, D.C. (August 31, 2020) — Today, Rep. James E. Clyburn, Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, released eight weeks of White House Coronavirus Task Force reports obtained in response to the Select Subcommittee’s July 29, 2020, request to Vice President Mike Pence and White House Coronavirus Task Force Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx. 
These reports—which the White House sent privately to states but did not disclose to the public—directly contradict the Administration’s rosy public statements downplaying the threat of the virus. 
“The Task Force reports released today show the White House has known since June that coronavirus cases were surging across the country and many states were becoming dangerous ‘red zones’ where the virus was spreading fast,” said Chairman Clyburn.  “Rather than being straight with the American people and creating a national plan to fix the problem, the President and his enablers kept these alarming reports private while publicly downplaying the threat to millions of Americans.  
As a result of the President’s failures, more than 58,000 additional Americans have died since the Task Force first started issuing private warnings, and many of the Task Force’s recommendations still have not been implemented.  It is long past time that the Administration finally implement a national plan to contain this crisis, which is still killing hundreds of Americans each day.”

Here is one example:

The eight White House Coronavirus Task Force reports released today were issued from June 23, 2020, through August 9, 2020. 
These reports contradict contemporaneous public statements from Administration officials downplaying the severity of the coronavirus crisis: 
On June 16, Vice President Pence claimed in an op-ed that “panic” over a resurgence of coronavirus infections was “overblown.” 
But on June 23, the White House Task Force concluded that seven states were in the “red zone,” indicating the highest risk of coronavirus spread. 
The Task Force found new cases were up
 70 % in Arizona,
 72 % in Texas,
 87 % in Florida,
 93 % in Oklahoma
134 % in Idaho.

14 states that have been in the “red zone” since June 23 have refused to impose statewide mask mandates per Task Force’s recommendations—including states with severe case spikes like Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Tennessee
2 states—Iowa and Nebraska—have attempted to ban local jurisdictions from imposing mask mandates, and Georgia only recently reversed a similar ban and dropped a lawsuit aimed at invalidating mask ordinances instituted by the city of Atlanta. 
The Administration has also refused to make the Task Force’s reports and recommendations available to the public.  Instead, the Task Force has privately issued the reports to states and held periodic calls and meetings with state and local officials that are closed to the public. 
The Task Force’s reports also have been kept secret from some local government and public health officials who need them. 
Click below to read the Task Force’s reports released today: 

TODAY @ 5:15 PM Mesa City Council Study Session

1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the August 31, 2020 regular Council meeting
2 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees
June 25, 2020  
The Audit, Finance & Enterprise Committee of the City of Mesa met via a virtual format streamed into the lower level meeting room of the Council Chambers, 57 East 1st Street, on June 25, 2020, at 9:23 a.m. 
Meeting Name: City Council Study Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/31/2020 5:15 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Virtual Platform
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda
31 August 2020
Review of Approved Meeting Minutes Audit, Finance and Enterprise Committee Meeting 25 June 2020

The last of six meetings for the month of August . . .

1-b. Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide a recommendation on the proposed Audit Plan for FY 2020/21.  

Mr. Lisitano displayed a PowerPoint presentation and gave an overview of the proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Audit Plan.

Mr. Lisitano stated currently the four audits in process are
1 Fire and Medical for transport services and billing,
2 Engineering for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) projects,
3 Engineering for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), and
4.Police for the Photo Safety Program. 
He added the audits are expected to be finished shortly and will be presented at the next Council meeting.
(See Page 3 of Attachment 2) 
In response to a question from Committee member Luna regarding whether there are enough staff to handle the workload, Mr. Lisitano indicated he is always willing to accept more staff.  He mentioned there have been no layoffs in the Audit Department; however, there is one open position that has not been filled. 
He commented that he scaled back on the number of audits in the proposed audit plan to ensure staff will be able to catch up.     
Mayor and City Council website
Click or Tap Here 

City Council Meetings and Study Sessions Notice

To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public participation and viewing will be available electronically. 
See the City Council Meetings page for full details about meeting participation

Mesa operates under a charter form of government with citizens electing a mayor and six councilmembers to set policy for the City.
Mesa's councilmembers serve terms of four-years, with three members being elected every two years. The mayor is elected at-large every four years. The mayor and council are elected on a non-partisan basis. The vice mayor is selected by the City Council.
The Mesa City Council believes that its people, not leaders, are what makes a City great and actively works to encourage
citizen participation in the decision-making process

File #: 20-0881   

Type: Minutes Status: Agenda Ready

In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 8/31/2020

Title: Audit, Finance and Enterprise Committee meeting held on June 25, 2020.
Attachments: 1. June 25, 2020 CFN

At-Your-Fingertips: Take-Aways From The Nation

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The Republican National Convention has been all about using Black people to convince white people it’s OK to vote for a bigot.

We Need to Talk About the GOP’s ‘Black Friends’
Elie Mystal 

editor's picks
The F-Word: No Other Way to Describe Trump’s Fascism 2.0
If Trump’s lengthy rap sheet of lies, threats, obstruction, and incitement doesn’t add up to fascism, then what would?
August 28, 2020
Mark GreenMark Green was the first Public Advocate for New York City and is the author or editor of 24 books. His new book, Wrecking America: How Trump’s Lies and Lawbreaking Betray All, co-authored with Ralph Nader, is out next month from Skyhorse Publishing.
Ralph NaderRalph Nader is a consumer advocate and the author, most recently, of 
The Seventeen Solutions: Bold Ideas for Our American Future. His new book, Wrecking America: How Trump’s Lies and Lawbreaking Betray All, co-authored with Mark Green, is out next month    

"Since the defeat of fascism in World War II, it’s been bad form in America to call a political opponent a fascist—or even a liar. But given Donald Trump’s career of long cons, his cult convention, his recent suggestions about changing Election Day, and his persistent efforts to sabotage the Postal Service, it’s now naive not to.

Trump is openly seeking to win reelection by getting within cheating distance of the popular vote—and then hoping that some combination of state voter ID laws, discarded mail-in ballots, dark-money super PACs, foreign interference, and the Electoral College will again make the loser the winner. He is essentially attempting an unconstitutional putsch from within government to hang on to power.

Connect all these dots.
What do you see?
• replacing the rule of law with the law of rule—courtesy of Bill Barr—as accused allies receive pardons and praise while enemies are threatened with arbitrary prosecution; • engaging in multiple obstructions of justice, such as firing FBI director James Comey and urging White House counsel Don McGahn to lie to Mueller;• basing an entire convention on himself—no platform, Trumps proliferating like Borgias—and on the daily violation of the anti-monarchical Hatch Act because “no one cares,” according to apologist Mark Meadows;
• worsening economic inequality by shifting trillions through tax breaks to “American Oligarchs,” in Andrea Bernstein’s useful phrase, who then gratefully support his assaults on environmental and consumer laws to make even more money; • inciting violence by hyperbolic attacks on opponents, embracing neo-Nazis while ignoring warnings from the FBI about the number-one domestic threat, right-wing violence (as seen in the Kenosha murders on Tuesday); • enthusiastically embracing many of the world’s leading dictators—Putin, Xi, Bolsonaro, Kim, Sisi, Duterte, Erdogan; • repeating Covid-19 falsehoods in order to pressure Republican governors to prematurely reopen the economy and schools, causing the avoidable deaths of over 100,000 Americans, so far, according to leading epidemiologists
• politicizing the civilian-run military by deploying them to cities with Black Lives Matter protests and other “Democrat cities,” conflating all peaceful protesters with a a small minority of violent militants; • attempting to stymie postal delivery to, in effect, steal millions of mail-in ballots… and the election;   
• digging his finger into the wounds of racism and dehumanizing people of color and immigrants as “animals,” “scum,” “vermin,” and “rapists” to excite white nationalists;
• erupting with a lava of lies—now up to an average of 22 a day, according to Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler—to bury rivals and reality (Goebbels in 1941 said, “There are so many lies that truth and swindle can scarcely be distinguished”); • attempting to delegitimize the Fourth Estate as “enemies of the people,” using Stalin’s odious phrase; • bullying neutral sources of information—the CDC, DNI, FDA, regulatory agencies—to bend their expected integrity to his political needs; • rejecting science to advance his hunches and policies—on climate and Covid-19, for example—that threaten the well-being of millions of people around the world; • milking public office for private gain by treating “his” federal government like he treated the Trump Organization; • attempting to criminally extort the president of Ukraine in order to smear Joe Biden;
• firing career professionals and “independent” inspectors general for doing their job, increasingly having a government of cronies, cranks, multimillionaires, relatives, and unconfirmable third-raters; • ignoring all congressional subpoenas (when Nixon ignored eight of them, it became the third article in his impeachment, “Contempt of Congress”); • and saying things such as “I alone can fix it” and “with Article II, I can do whatever I want,” as well as praising the Chinese Communist party for showing its “power of strength” by slaughtering thousands in Tiananmen Square in June 1989.
“They all have one purpose,” said Sally Yates, past acting attorney general, “to remove any check on his abuse of power.”
The emerging picture is not transactional conservatism but rather a deviant fascism American-style. (For those still offended by the F-word, there’s more: For the first time in 58 elections, a president is refusing to agree beforehand to abide by the results.) That’s not mainstream but extreme.
READ MORE > The Nation
Policing in the United States functions as a military occupation.
US Law Enforcement’s Warrior Complex Is on Full Display in the Streets—and in Leaked Documents
Hacked documents from the early weeks of the ongoing protest movement illustrate one of Black Lives Matter’s central observations:
CASE IN POINT: “Sun Tzu and the Officer Resiliency Mindset,”
“3x as many cops chose to take their own lives last year as died from felonious gunfire… WHY? Evil is real … It has a plan to defeat you …” it said. Then, a quote: “‘The skillful fighter puts himself into a position which makes defeat impossible…’—Sun Tzu.” This bulletin, uploaded to an Alabama law enforcement website in March 2020 and accessed by hackers this summer, advertised to officers a police training course, approved for seven credit hours by the state police standards and training commission. . .the course promised to use “the epic war tome, The Art of War, required reading for the CIA, U.S. Military Intelligence and the Marine Corps Reading Program,” to examine how ancient wartime tactics “are used to destroy law enforcement officer’s [sic] psychological well-being.”
. . . The files, known as BlueLeaks, come from over 250 law enforcement sites, and mostly span from 2007 to mid-June 2020; since their release, journalists have used documents swept up in the hack to shine a light on such malfeasance as the militarized targeting of immigrant rights activists, police–social media company collaboration, and the use of junk science interrogation techniques.
Taken together, these documents give credence to one of the central observations of the Black Lives Matter movement: that law enforcement in the United States functions as a military occupation. . .
Several “intelligence notes” from the Department of Homeland Security distributed across the hacked websites, for instance, warned police that protesters were stashing “caches” of “rocks, bottles, and accelerants” or “flammable materials, rocks, and other projectiles,” making them ready for “breakaway groups to commit violence.” Rather than the DHS’s own reconnaissance or exclusive briefings from local law enforcement, however, the intelligence notes mostly cited local and national news reports to make these assertions (and one merely cited a “social media user”). Those news reports mostly parroted unsubstantiated claims made by local police—and many of these types of claims turned out to be false, . . .
In no BlueLeaks documents did The Nation find any recognition among law enforcement agencies that police officers across the country were routinely brutalizing protesters. In fact, what is perhaps the most significant mention of police brutality during the protests came from a June 1 DHS memo, which portrayed claims of cop violence as a project of “foreign influence activity.”
Fast forward to Tuesday night in Kenosha, Wis. Local cops patrolled the streets in armored vehicles, seeking to enforce the city’s 8 pm curfew set in the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake. When they rolled up to a group of white men with assault rifles—self-described militia members—they greeted them over one of the armored cars’ speaker systems: “We appreciate you guys, we really do.” An officer in one of the vehicles stuck his torso out of the hatch and tossed a bottle of water to a rifled teenager in a green T-shirt. Soon after the encounter, the boy in the green shirt, Kyle Rittenhouse, allegedly shot three protesters, killing two of them.
Latest from The Nation
Today 8:30 am
This is what it looks like since Trump doesn't believe in science, the World Health Organization, or his own health advisors.  

TODAY MON 08.31.2020: Remote Virtual Platform Mesa City Council Meetings (2)

The last of six meetings from this group of seven for the month of August and what a month it's been!
that's only if you have been activated, informed and engaged in what your elected city government is doing . . .
That is a problem here in Mesa when just about only 35% of eligible voters turned out to cast ballots in the August 4 Primary Election.
Mayor and City Council website
Click or Tap Here 

City Council Meetings and Study Sessions Notice

To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public participation and viewing will be available electronically. 

Mesa operates under a charter form of government with citizens electing a mayor and six councilmembers to set policy for the City.
Mesa's councilmembers serve terms of four-years, with three members being elected every two years. The mayor is elected at-large every four years. The mayor and council are elected on a non-partisan basis. The vice mayor is selected by the City Council.
The Mesa City Council believes that its people, not leaders, are what makes a City great and actively works to encourage citizen participation in the decision-making process.
Whether it is through neighborhood meetings, advisory boards and committees, telephone calls and letters, or email,
The Mesa City Council sets policies based on the input and the needs of its citizens. 
Mayor John Giles
Vice Mayor Mark Freeman District 1
Whittaker Councilmember Jeremy Whittaker
District 2
Whittaker Councilmember Francisco Heredia District 3
Jen Duff
Councilmember Jen Duff District 4
Luna Councilmember David Luna
District 5
Thompson Councilmember Kevin Thompson District 6

SPECIAL FEATURE: Review of Approved Meeting Minutes Audit, Finance and Enterprise Committee Meeting 25 June 2020

The last of six meetings for the month of August

Mayor and City Council website
Click or Tap Here 

City Council Meetings and Study Sessions Notice

To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public participation and viewing will be available electronically. 

Mesa operates under a charter form of government with citizens electing a mayor and six councilmembers to set policy for the City.
Mesa's councilmembers serve terms of four-years, with three members being elected every two years. The mayor is elected at-large every four years. The mayor and council are elected on a non-partisan basis. The vice mayor is selected by the City Council.
The Mesa City Council believes that its people, not leaders, are what makes a City great and actively works to encourage citizen participation in the decision-making process. Whether it is through neighborhood meetings, advisory boards and committees, telephone calls and letters, or email, the Mesa City Council sets policies based on the input and needs of its citizens.
Mayor John Giles
Vice Mayor Mark Freeman District 1
Whittaker Councilmember Jeremy Whittaker
District 2
Whittaker Councilmember Francisco Heredia District 3
Jen Duff
Councilmember Jen Duff District 4
Luna Councilmember David Luna
District 5
Thompson Councilmember Kevin Thompson District 6

Public Information provided by the City of Mesa starts at this site
Mesa LegiStar Calendar
Council Study Session Notice: To decrease COVID-19 exposure, the City Council Chambers is closed, but public viewing and input on the items are available electronically.   Members of the City Council will appear electronically for this meeting, via a video conferencing platform, and the live meeting will be accessible via broadcast and telephonically. 
Because of the current public health emergency, the City Council Chambers is closed for Council study sessions.
However, the live meeting may be watched on local cable Mesa channel 11, online at,, or
listened to by calling 888-788-0099 or 877-853-5247 (toll free) using meeting ID 5301232921 and following the prompts.   
For any difficulties accessing this meeting, please call 480-644-2099
Roll Call
1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the August 31, 2020 regular Council meeting. 2 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees.

Audit, Finance and Enterprise Committee meeting held on June 25, 2020. 2-a
3 Current events summary including meetings and conferences attended.
4 Scheduling of meetings.
Item 2-a Meeting Detail:

File #: 20-0881   
Type: Minutes Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council Study Session
On agenda: 8/31/2020
Title: Audit, Finance and Enterprise Committee meeting held on June 25, 2020.
Attachments: 1. June 25, 2020 CFN

June 25, 2020  
The Audit, Finance & Enterprise Committee of the City of Mesa met via a virtual format streamed into the lower level meeting room of the Council Chambers, 57 East 1st Street, on June 25, 2020, at 9:23 a.m. 
Jennifer Duff, Chairperson*
Mark Freeman*
David Luna*   
Michael Kennington
Dee Ann Mickelsen
Jim Smith 
(*Committeemembers participated in the meeting through the use of video conference equipment.) 

BLOGGER NOTE: exhibits and attachments are Power Point slides in pages 7-38
Chairperson Duff conducted a roll call. 
1-a. Hear a presentation and discuss the following audits: 
1. Transient Lodging Tax 
Mr. Lisitano said the audit consisted of interviewing City of Mesa and Visit Mesa personnel
> to review contracts and statutes to identify the requirements and performance expectations,
> to  review the revenue distribution to confirm compliance,
> to perform tests of TLT expenditures
> and analyzed the performance measures used for reliability and effectiveness. 
(See Page 5 of Attachment 1)

2. Citywide Cash Funds (Continuous) 
(See Pages 10 through 12 of Attachment 1)

3. Annual Credit Card Security Review
See Pages 14 through 17 of Attachment 1)

4. Procurement Card Program (Follow-Up Review)
(See Page 21 of Attachment 1) 
In response to a question from Committeemember Freeman regarding how often there is a credit card discrepancy where an employee must reimburse the City, Mr. Lisitano stated there were a few incidents where that came up in the audit, but it was not common. 
He expressed the importance of staying on top of reimbursements because that is how fraud occurs.   
Chairperson Duff commented on an instance when she has accidently charged a service using the wrong card.   
Mr. Lisitano confirmed that similar situations came up in the audit where an employee forgot to ensure the correct card was being charged and reiterated the need for approvers and reviewers to carefully reconcile those items. 

5. . Development Services Fees and Charges
Follow-Up Review
(See Page 23 of Attachment 1)
In response to a question posed by Committee member Freeman regarding whether the City lost money from the fee discrepancy,
Mr. Lisitano stated the item pertained to sewer or water; and if he is recalling correctly, the difference was under $3,000.

1-b. Hear a presentation, discuss, and provide a recommendation on the proposed Audit Plan for FY 2020/21.  
Mr. Lisitano displayed a PowerPoint presentation and gave an overview of the proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Audit Plan.
(See Attachment 2)   
Mr. Lisitano stated currently the four audits in process are
1 Fire and Medical for transport services and billing,
2 Engineering for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) projects,
3 Engineering for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), and
4.Police for the Photo Safety Program. 
He added the audits are expected to be finished shortly and will be presented at the next Council meeting.

(See Page 3 of Attachment 2) 

Mr. Lisitano explained the new audits for the upcoming year will be looking at the procurement process for Business Services/Purchasing
(See Page 4 of Attachment 2)
> . . . Lisitano highlighted the audit for the Police Department to ensure effective controls are in place to manage City building suite access to prevent unauthorized access to City facilities. 
> He explained the audit pertaining to Falcon Field leases will be to determine whether effective controls are in place to ensure revenues are accurately calculated, recorded, and collected to prevent or detect errs, fraud, waste or abuse. 
> He pointed out the largest revenue sources for Falcon Field are the hangar rentals and land leases. 
> He reported the Fleet audit is to make sure effective controls are in place over parts management, ensuring compliance with policies and other applicable requirements. 
(See Page 5 of Attachment 2)   

Mr. Lisitano stated follow-up reviews will be conducted for:
> the jail services contract for the Police Department,

> the Convention Center revenues for PRCF,

> the claims administration contract for Human Resources/Employee Benefits,
> the Transient Lodging Tax
(See Page 6 of Attachment 2)    
Mr. Lisitano indicated other Audit activities include the Citywide cash handling audits and PCI DSS review that occur every year, although some things will change due to the fact that many collection sites are closed;
fraud and ethics hotline investigations;

consulting; and unscheduled audits requested by the City Manager or City Council. 
(See Page 7 of Attachment 2)  

In response to a question from Committee member Luna regarding whether there are enough staff to handle the workload, Mr. Lisitano indicated he is always willing to accept more staff.  He mentioned there have been no layoffs in the Audit Department; however, there is one open position that has not been filled. 
He commented that he scaled back on the number of audits in the proposed audit plan to ensure staff will be able to catch up.     

Committee member Freeman requested a presentation on future bond payments that the City could possibly pay off early.    
Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer Michael Kennington agreed to present a future agenda item that targets the possibility of refunding outstanding bonds.
In response to a question posed by Chairperson Duff, Mr. Kennington clarified refunding would include bonds that have a higher rate than what is available in the market today. 
He mentioned currently there are several 2010 issuances that are callable. 
He verified a future presentation can be presented to the committee.  

Chairperson Duff thanked staff for the presentation. 
In [sic It) was moved by Committee member Luna, seconded by Committee member Freeman that the proposed Audit Plan for 2020/2021 be forwarded to the full Council for discussion and consideration.

Committee member Freeman asked for an update on how the decrease in sales tax revenue has impacted the City over the last year.   
Mr. Kennington stated he would supply an update.  


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