Sunday, August 30, 2020


This is about as close-and-personal it is possible to get in these passing six disruptive months and ongoing Pandemic Days. 
Thanks to the artist - a friend now at arms-length - for sending along a special pleasure.
"Hello and I hope this email finds you safe and healthy during these strangest and challenging days. 
It's been a full year  since I've sent out an update and so much has happened including the short film below. 
It feels strange sending out emails about art when there are so many critical issues impacting the world right now, but I was recently reminded by several people sharing the arts (visual, poetry, music, dance & theatre) is what's critically needed to lift spirits these days. 
My hope is the contents here uplift your day a bit. It does mine when I read, see or hear what other creatives are up to. I do miss seeing so many of you and very much look forward to when we can connect with one another in person again. 
If you'd like, reply to let me know what you've been up to or put me on your mailing list; I'd love to hear from you. 
Til' next...Warm regards,
Christine Cassano 
EMS Legacy Films is a continuing series of short films produced by EMS on artists and exhibitions. Learn more about EMS Art Scene.
Sampson's (cat) debut & why this video feels full circle for me... back in 2012 my work was exploring synergies between biological and technological systems. Copper motherboards with their conductive, multi-layered coding, systems and functions became a fixture of the work as I examined the inner-world of body systems following several major surgeries. As my health restored, the fascination expanded and the work transitioned. My exploration of these circuit patterns broadened to survey their shared systems beyond biologies in to geometries, ecology, aviation charts, NASA satellite views of earth's civilization and space exploration. Two years ago I became obsessed with documenting aerial views of human patterns and grids from my window seats during flights and those will finally be part of an exhibit that has been rescheduled for this January. From the inner-world of our tiny cells to outer-world of our expansive universe, circuitry has been the binding agent - the conduit - enabling my artwork to evolve and visualize my interpretations of shared connections between humanness, technology and cosmology. I like to think it's traversing these connections that makes sharing our journey on this rock an interesting and beautiful ride to be on.
Upcoming Exhibit. January's exhibit at Tempe Center for the Arts Gallery is a group exhibition titled "Explore" and looks at space exploration and the cross over metaphors it represents such as human curiosity, pushing known and unknown boundaries.
Upcoming Public Art. 
It's an honor to have been the artist selected for this project in downtown Phoenix. I'm currently working on a large suspended ceiling art installation for one of the lobbys of Wexford's Biomedical Campus to be installed this fall. 
Updates to follow soon.
Phoenix Biomedical Campus Innovation Center is a 226,000 square-foot research and office building.
Last fall I installed my site specific copper wall installation at an AC Hotel in San Francisco. Details and images on website.
This project opportunity was courtesy of Jude Smith
During the last year, I've been busy in the studio. The website has been updated with new works and images.
As always, thanks for keeping in touch and f
eel free to share this email, drop me a line and / or connect with me via social media links below. 

Anniversary of the Reunification of Crimea with Russia: on March 18, 2014

March 18 marks the day of Crimea's reunification with Russia Today, the whole country celebrates the Day of the Reunification of Crime...