Wednesday, August 19, 2020


This meeting will be held virtually via a video platform. 
The agenda will be available at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting at: and in the City Manager’s Office.
Agenda printed 08.18.2020 
Roll Call 
1 Review and discuss items on the agenda for the August 24, 2020 regular Council meeting

INSERT: Earlier post on this blog site: Read more > click or tap here

16 August 2020

NEW 15-PAGE TENTATIVE AGENDA: Mesa City Council Meeting Mon 08.24.2020

What's missing are any agendas for 2 Study Sessions before - one for this week on Thu  @ 07:30 a.m. 08.20.2020 and one for a Study Session scheduled just before the 08.24 regular meeting 
City Council Meeting Agenda
Tentative Monday, August 24, 2020 
5:45 PM 
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION All citizens are permitted and encouraged to speak on agenda items including and preceding “Items from citizens present." . . . 
2 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees
2-a 20-0758 
Museum and Cultural Advisory Board meeting held on May 28, 2020. 
2-b 20-0763 
Transportation Advisory Board meeting held on May 19, 2020. 
2-c 20-0812 
Economic Development Advisory Board meeting held on June 2, 2020. 
3 Current events summary including meetings and conferences attended. 
4 Scheduling of meetings.

Meeting Name: City Council Study Session Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/20/2020 7:30 AM
    File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
    20-0758 2-aMinutesMuseum and Cultural Advisory Board meeting held on May 28, 2020.Not available
    20-0763 2-bMinutesTransportation Advisory Board meeting held on May 19, 2020.Not available
    20-0812 2-cMinutesEconomic Development Advisory Board meeting held on June 2, 2020.Not available
    BLOGGER NOTE: Next Meeting: There will be no meeting in July. The next EDAB meeting will be held on August 4, 2020, 7:30 a.m. 
    File #: 20-0812   
    Type: Minutes Status: Agenda Ready
    In control: City Council Study Session
    On agenda: 8/20/2020
    Title: Economic Development Advisory Board meeting held on June 2, 2020.
    Attachments: 1. 2020-06-02 City of Mesa EDAB Approved Meeting Minutes
    Office of Economic Development Economic Development Advisory Board VIRTUAL PLATFORM
    Council Chambers, 57 E. 1st Street Mesa, AZ 85201 June 2, 2020 7:30 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT EX-OFFICIO STAFF PRESENT
    Natascha Ovando-Karadsheh, Chair
    Mayor John Giles (Excused)
    William Jabjiniak
    Jim Kasselmann, Vice Chair
    Chris Brady, City Manager (Excused)
    Jaye O’Donnell
    Rich Adams
    Sally Harrison
    David Packard
    Brian Campbell
    Jeffrey Pitcher
    Maribeth Smith
    Deb Duvall
    Jim Kalberer, on behalf of Dan Olson
    Matt Likens
    Dominic Perry
    Christopher Nickerson
    Brad Wilson
    Jack Sellers, Maricopa County Supervisor 
    Councilmember Jennifer Duff

    4. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2020-21
        All voting members approved Jim Kasselmann as Chair and Rich Adams as Vice Chair
    AYES – Ovando-Karadsheh, Kasselmann, Adams, Campbell, Duvall, Likens, Nickerson, Perry, Wilson

    Economic Development Advisory Board Meeting Minutes June 2, 2020 
    ITEM 5. State Route 24 & Growth in the East Valley
    (Pages 2 - 4 of 9 )
    Jack Sellers, Maricopa County Supervisor, actually served on the EDAB board in the past before serving on the Chandler City Council. He has just finished a 6-year term on the State Transportation Board, serving his last year as Chair. Current Gilbert Mayor Jenn Daniels will be his replacement on that board representing Maricopa County. 
    Some extracts:
    > Supervisor Sellers has been very involved with the transportation folks in Pinal County as a part of his Board function and has now developed a relationship with the County Supervisors in Pinal County. He will continue to pursue that because the area around Gateway is really impacted by what is going on in Pinal County as well. Pinal County was able to pass a sales tax initiative by a pretty wide margin to help with their funding for those kinds of projects. They are close to getting past all the lawsuits against them for that. They put some money in the bank and we just need to stay in touch with them and work together to resolve these issues.
    > Supervisor Sellers stated that conversation has already started with the PIRATE project, . . .Supervisor Sellers stated as he was leaving the State Transportation Board, he was frustrated that he had developed a lot of contacts and a lot of influence in areas that he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to use. When he became a County Supervisor, the other supervisors stated he was the lead guy on transportation issues and he was pleased and excited about that.
     > Bill Jabjiniak thanked Supervisor Sellers for his support on the PIRATE project. He stated we’re seeing entitlements along State Route 24 and lot of interest in PIRATE. He just talked to an investor out of Canada on Friday interested in foreign trade zones and access to rail. Think about all the things coming together south of the airport in southeast Mesa and how it is starting to tell a great story. . .
    Supervisor Sellers stated he was notified yesterday of a potential zoning issue at Germann and Crismon that would allow a neighborhood to be built there. That area is almost out of the noise contour, although it may still be a concern. Mr. Jabjiniak stated that would be a concern because SRP has already sited a 230-power line along the Crismon alignment from just south of Germann north to the 24 and then over to the 202. That line is critical for our continued growth with the amount of interest we are seeing in southeast Mesa. Do we really want residential next to a 230 line? 
    Chair Ovando-Karadsheh asked Supervisor Sellers, as he has sat on so many different boards and after everything that has happened over the the past three months, how does he think Arizona and Maricopa County will fare in their recovery. Supervisor Sellers felt we will do very well on a recovery. His concern is how we will do in the longer term. We are in great shape today compared to other metropolitan areas because we had the leadership 20 years ago that had a plan. He was very concerned about what people will say about him 20 years from now and he is determined to make that more positive before he is done. Right now, we don’t have a plan for investing in infrastructure to maintain our lifestyle for the growth that we are seeing. We have been the fastest growing county in the US for three or four years in a row. Our lifestyle is not sustainable unless we are willing to invest. We have some work to do. . .

    6. Mesa CARES Small Business Re-emergence Grant Update

    Body Name:
    Type: City Council Study Session
    Meeting location: Council Chambers - Lower Level
    Date icsTimeLocationMeeting DetailsAgendaMinutesVideo
    8/31/2020Export to iCalendar 5:15 PM Virtual PlatformMeeting details Not available Not available Not available
    8/27/2020Export to iCalendar 7:30 AM Virtual PlatformMeeting details Not available Not available Not available
    8/24/2020Export to iCalendar 5:15 PM Virtual PlatformMeeting details Not available Not available Not available
    8/20/2020Export to iCalendar 7:30 AM Virtual PlatformMeeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available

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