Sunday, August 30, 2020

From Fox & Friends: ICYMI: HUD Secretary Ben Carson Discusses the Unifying Power of Opportunity Zones on Fox and Friends First

In Case You Missed It 
HUD Secretary Ben Carson Discusses the Unifying Power of Opportunity Zones on Fox and Friends First
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson told  Fox and Friends First Hosts Jillian Mele and Tom Piro that Opportunity Zones- like many of President Trump’s accomplishments- are a unifying force, one that contrasts the current state of unrest in many democrat-run cities. 

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The American Dream: 
“You have to put forth the effort to achieve whatever it is that your dream is. And all of us need to make sure we put in place those ladders of opportunity that allow that to happen. And that’s what’s going on now with the Opportunity Zones.”
Opportunity Zone Successes:  
“[opportunity zones] are already providing job opportunities. Just designating a place an opportunity zone increases the property value by 1.1% . For the half of people who live in opportunity zones who own homes, that worth has gone up by $11 billion already. This is the type of thing the President is trying to do- a rising tide lifts and floats all boats. That’s what we’re talking about.”
Violence in Cities: 
“People need to recognize that when these people come into their communities from the outside and destroy things, those are not your friends. They are not people who are actually helping you. They are actually destroying your opportunities.”
Restoring Law and Order: 
“We need to have law and order. It’s important for people to feel safe in their neighborhoods, safe in their businesses, who is going to start a business in a place that is going to be burned down by rioters with nobody doing anything about it? This is antithetical to the whole concept of individual freedoms, entrepreneurship, and innovation in this country, and if we don’t stop it it is going to continue to magnify.”    
American Prosperity: 
“This is an opportunity for us all to thrive and survive, not listening to the purveyors of hatred and division, which will destroy this country if we listen to them.”