Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Market Surges, The System Crumbles: Prof. Richard Wolff on The Vulga...

Can we listen? ....Please!
Aug 19, 2020
28.4K subscribers

Follow on Twitch: Julianna welcomes back recurring guest Marxian Economist Professor Richard D. Wolff to the show, to discuss how according to the New York Times, the S&P 500 climbed to a record yesterday, reaching a level few would have predicted a few months ago, and defying the economic storm facing the United States.  
Professor Wolff talks about how the high comes at a huge price, further increasing economic inequality in our Nation, and how billionaires have many EXTRA billions since the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown started in March.  
Prof. Wolff says "The richest people in America became markedly RICHER across the so-called pandemic, while over 50 million of their fellow citizens had to file unemployment claims because they lost their jobs, their incomes, all of the disruption of your life that those things mean, and have always meant... you could not have a more extreme example of the old saying 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer'." Wolff is an American Marxian economist, known for his work on economic methodology and class analysis. 
He is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. 
Wolff has also taught economics at Yale University, City University of New York, University of Utah, University of Paris I (Sorbonne), and The Brecht Forum in New York City. For info on Richard Wolff go to: And make sure to follow him on Twitter at: For more Julianna, follow her on Twitter at and @juliannaforlano on Instagram and Facebook!

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