Saturday, August 15, 2020

TECHDIRT:Heads Up ...What???

Just As The Postal Service Is Being Dismantled To Prevent The Handling Of Mail In Ballots, It Tries To Patent Blockchain Voting By Mail

from the i...-uh...-what? dept

We are living in truly dystopian times. As you may have heard, this week there have been a bunch of stories regarding the somewhat systematic dismantling of US Postal Service operations in what appears to be a coordinated effort by this administration to foil the process of sending and collecting mail-in ballots. But, apparently, rather than ensuring its own ability to handle mail-in ballots for this election, the US Postal service is trying to... patent blockchain-based voting?
As you almost certainly know, President Trump has been -- without any factual basis at all -- decrying mail-in ballots, despite the fact that they have been proven safe and effective. As we're in the middle of a pandemic -- made significantly worse by this administration's own incompetence -- whose made mode of transmission is gathering indoors, the need for more mail-in ballots is obvious to anyone who cares about a functioning democracy. Instead

PUTIN-TRUMP PHONE CALL: The conversation between heads of states will he held on an Anniversary of the Reunification of Crimea with Russia: on March 18, 2014 | Dmitry Peskov

The Russian News Agency TASS, or simply TASS, is a Russian state-owned news agency founded in 1904.  It is the largest Russian...