Monday, August 17, 2020

Taking The Household Pulse: A Special Experimental Data Survey

Covid and Anxiety: Census Bureau Studying Health, Hunger, School ...

It was set up by the U.S.Census Bureau to map and measure "all the anxieties" from COVID-19.
Household Pulse Survey Data Tables
The new experimental Household Pulse Survey is designed to quickly and efficiently deploy data collected on how people’s lives have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Data collection for the Household Pulse Survey began on April 23, 2020.
The Census Bureau expects to collect data for 90 days, and release data on a weekly basis.
The links below will take you to the downloadable tables in XLS for each week of release.
Erratum Note:
JUNE 17 — The data tables for Recent Food Insufficiency (Tables 4 and 5 in the Food Sufficiency and Food Security Section) for week 1 through week 5 (April 23-June 2) were removed and replaced on June 17 as a result of a data processing error for one of the variables. The tables for all weeks have been updated. Please disregard any previous versions.

TABLE | JULY 29, 2020
Week 12 Household Pulse Survey: July 16 - July 21
Detailed tables and standard error tables for Household Pulse Survey results taken during July 16 - July 21.
Household Pulse Survey Data Tables
Six Key Takeaways From Pandemic Data on American Households
  • From mortgages to mental health, weekly snapshots of pandemic
  • More than 10% of adults seriously considered suicide, CDC said

The survey was supposed to wrap up in late July. But its insights have proved so “timely and relevant” that the Office of Management and Budget has approved an extension through the end of October. Research teams are out in the field again, and set to report back with their latest findings in the coming days.
Meanwhile, here are some key takeaways from the first three months of the historic project

Housing Fear/Worry

America's Covid Fears Are Laid Bare by a Special Census Survey
Lost Earnings
Almost 127 million Americans experienced a loss of income since mid-March
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Note: Household Pulse Survey: July 16 - July 21
More than half of households experienced a loss of income since March 13 -- the date when President Donald Trump declared a national emergency, and the one chosen by the Census Bureau as a starting point
America's Covid Fears Are Laid Bare by a Special Census Survey

Almost a third of people in some states have little or no confidence they can pay August's rent or mortgage
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Household pulse survey
America's Covid Fears Are Laid Bare by a Special Census Survey
Taking the Pulse of American Households During COVID-19




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