Thursday, August 27, 2020

MORE UNCERTAIN > Commercial Mortgages .....

The Father Of CMBS Says Real Estate Valuation Is In ‘Uncharted Territory’

Every week, hosts Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway take you on a not-so-random walk through hot topics in markets, finance, and economics.
There are some sectors of the real estate market, such as suburban residential housing, that are doing just fine throughout this crisis. However, other areas are facing true existential risk. The value of commercial real estate in big cities is extremely uncertain due to the combination of the virus itself, potential migration out of cities, and the fact that so many people can work from home. On this episode, we speak with Mosaic Real Estate Partners Managing Partner Ethan Penner, who has been described as the father of Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities, on real estate market structure and what it means for the billions of dollars worth of assets that are on the line.


Stocks Drop and Bonds Advance Before Powell Speech: Markets Wrap

Follow the latest developments in global markets.

Arizona Lawmakers say Vance's comments on zoning illustrate the need for a controversial housing bill

Lawmakers say Vance's comments on zoning illustrate the need for a controversial AZ housing bill ...