Friday, August 21, 2020

MESA CITY COUNCIL Remote Virtual Platform Zoom Study Session Thu 08.20.2020

Here are the seven elected members of the Mesa City Council who were sworn into office earlier. They include six District Representatives, one of whom is the Vice-Mayor Mark Freeman, shown seated with Mayor John Giles at the front.
At yesterday's study session, it was stated they've been on "weeks of a summer break" - not even mentioning at all (or avoiding to say) that there was a Primary Election on August 4th. Six city council members endorsed the opponent of District 2 Jeremy Whittaker in the contest.
That tells you something about the game of politics here in Mesa. . .
The streaming video upload inserted below also tells you something - right from the beginning and during the final 15 minutes of the 37-minute study session.
Except for the unanimous approval to accept the approved minutes of three board and committee meetings, Jeremy Whittaker said nothing.

STUDY SESSION : Here's the featured screen-grab of Hizzoner John Giles on the Mesa Channel 11 YouTube channel with a new Zoom backdrop and a strange face expression.
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Arizona Lawmakers say Vance's comments on zoning illustrate the need for a controversial housing bill

Lawmakers say Vance's comments on zoning illustrate the need for a controversial AZ housing bill ...