Wednesday, August 19, 2020

AZCC 9-1-2020 Special Open Meeting Notice & Agenda / RE: JOHNSON UTILITIES

Matthew J. Neubert

Carolyn D. Buck
Phone: 602-542-3931
Chairman Robert "Bob" Burns
Boyd Dunn
Sandra D. Kennedy
Justin Olson
Lea Márquez Peterson

Tuesday, September 1, 2020
5:45 p.m.
Hearing Room One
1200 W. Washington St
Phoenix, AZ 85007
This shall serve as notice of an open meeting at the above location for consideration, discussion, and possible vote of the items on the agenda and other matters related thereto.  Commissioners may attend the proceedings in person, or by telephone, video, or internet conferencing, and may use this open meeting to ask questions about the matters on the agenda. The parties to the matters to be discussed or their legal representatives are requested, though not required, to attend telephonically.  The Commissioners may move to executive session, which will not be open to the public, for the purpose of legal advice pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03 (A) (3) on the matters noticed herein.
Because of the guidance issued by state and federal officials regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, meetings of 10 or more should be by teleconference only. Only essential Commission staff will attend in person. The public is strongly discouraged from attending in person.  The public will be able to participate by either watching and listening to the meeting online or listening to the meeting via telephone.  For those wishing to enter an appearance or provide public comment for a particular item please use the dial in phone numbers. Once the item for which you are appearing or providing public comment is concluded, please hang up and watch the live stream.

Persons with a disability may request reasonable accommodations by contacting the Commission Secretary listed above.
Dial-in Phone Number: 1-866-705-2554 Passcode to Listen Only: 2414978
Agendas are available online at:
This meeting will be available online at:
NOTE:  The Commission may choose to take testimony under oath.
  1. Discussion and consultation with the Commission attorneys for legal advice related to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality actions related to Johnson Utilities, L.L.C.  A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3) & (4).  The Commission will vote to ratify the action taken at the August 12, 2020 Open Meeting held at 1:30 p.m. The Commission moved to go into Executive Session but did not vote. The Commission will vote to ratify the action to move into Executive Session

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