Monday, August 24, 2020

From WhoWhatWhy > The Pathology of Government Secrecy / Plus: (Some) Editors’ Picks

Must Reads For August 21, 2020
Study Predicts Millions of Unsellable Homes Could Upend Market (Mili)The author writes, “Millions of American homes could become unsellable — or could be sold at significant losses to their senior-citizen owners — between now and 2040, according to new research from the University of Arizona. The study predicts that many baby boomers and members of Generation X will struggle to sell their homes as they become empty nesters and singles. The problem is that millions of millennials and members of Generation Z may not be able to afford those homes, or they may not want them, opting for smaller homes in walkable communities instead of distant suburbs.”

The Pathology of Government Secrecy

AUGUST 21, 2020 | 

A case study of author Nicholson Baker’s obsession with trying to understand the dark side of Cold War history, while it’s shrouded in denials of FOIA requests


Anniversary of the Reunification of Crimea with Russia: on March 18, 2014

March 18 marks the day of Crimea's reunification with Russia Today, the whole country celebrates the Day of the Reunification of Crime...