Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Upcoming Contracts: MESA CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION 08.27.2020

Like they say, Follow the money . . .
Item 3
Take action on the following contracts:
20-0839 One-Year Renewal with a One-Year Renewal Option to the Term Contract for Graphic Design Services for the Arts and Culture Department, Mesa Arts Center (Citywide)
Over the past three years, HAPI has been contracted with the Mesa Arts Center for managing the design of all marketing collateral and launching the brand effort to expand outreach and awareness in the community. 
The vendor has been involved in the concept creation for major community events including print ads, brochures, fliers, posters, digital art, mailers, window clings, and more.
The Arts and Culture Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the renewal with Hackett Advertising Public Relations Interactive, dba, HAPI, at $72,000 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index.
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August 31, 2020City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

20-0837 Ratification of Emergency Purchases made under the Mesa CARES Program (Mesa CARES Funds) (Citywide)
These purchases of materials and services were made and approved supporting the Mesa CARES programs; Feeding Mesa, Housing Assistance, Community Health and Safety, and Program Management during the period of March through July 2020. 
These items do not reflect all expenditures under Mesa CARES but those that require Council approval under City procurement policy.
The Business Services Department recommends ratifying these emergency purchases from Personal Touch Catering;
Naumann Hobbs Material Handling;
Ramadas Investments II, LLC;
DH Pace; Rocket Distributors, LLC;
Trane Us, Inc.;
B&H Foto & Electronics Corp;
Dell Marketing LP;
IT1 Source, LLC; and
Worldwide Technology, LLC,
totaling $4,484,438.64.

20-0833 Purchase of Six Emergency Response Vehicles (All Additions) for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Citywide)
This purchase is in support of the transition of providing Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS)  transport services to the City. 
The purchase will increase the City’s fleet to twelve vehicles.
The Mesa Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) cooperative contract with Professional Sales & Service, L.C., at $1,626,428.82, including sales tax, based on estimated requirements.
This purchase is funded by the Ambulance Transport Fund.

20-0838 Purchase of Fifteen In-Vehicle Routers (Additions) for Medical Response Vehicles for the Mesa Fire and Medical Department (Citywide)
These routers will allow Mesa Fire and Medical to seamlessly switch between either AT&T FirstNet or Verizon service, based on which carrier has the best signal strength in the area. This will ensure crews always stay connected to the Mesa Regional Dispatch Center and receive pertinent emergency information in the quickest way possible.
The Mesa Fire and Medical Department and Purchasing recommend authorizing the purchase using the State of Arizona cooperative contract with Discount Cell, Inc., at $50,000, based on estimated requirements. 
This purchase is funded by the General Fund through the Department of Innovation and Technology’s Lifecycle Program.
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August 31, 2020City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

20-0840 Three-Year Term Contract with Two Years of Renewal Options for Storm Drain Grate Welding and Tethering Services for the Transportation Department (Citywide)
This contract will provide storm drain tethering (welding) to secure storm drain grates to prevent theft and storm drain trash rack repairs in the field on an as-needed basis.
The Transportation Department and Purchasing recommend awarding the contract to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidder, Grate Solutions Company, Inc., at $32,300 annually, with an annual increase allowance of up to 5%, or the adjusted Consumer Price Index. 
This purchase is funded by the Environmental Compliance Fee.

20-0832 Fire Station No. 221 Construction Project - Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR), Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) (District 6)
Over the last several years, southeast Mesa has experienced significant population growth.  As this growth continues, emergency call volumes will continue to increase for the area.
The addition of Fire Station No. 221 is necessary to address this increase in demand.   
Fire Station No. 221 will be located approximately 2,000 feet northeast of the intersection of South Ellsworth and East Ray Roads, at the corner of Point Twenty-Two Boulevard and South Pasteur. 
The station will contain approximately 12,000 square feet of usable space with four drive-thru apparatus bays, eight dorm rooms, two Captain’s offices, a kitchen, dining room, dayroom, job/task conditioning areas, crew office, Fire/EMS Training/Community Room, and associated operations based functions, which address typical fire station requirements.
Staff recommends awarding the contract for this project to CORE Construction, Inc. (a Mesa business) in the amount of $5,850,174 (GMP) and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $585,017.40 (10%), for a total award of $6,435,191.40
This project is funded by 2018 authorized Public Safety bonds and developer contribution.
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August 31, 2020City Council Meeting Agenda - Tentative

20-0828 Lewis East Substation Rebuild Project - Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) and Pre-Construction Services Contract (District 4)
This project will replace the 45-year-old transformer and associated switchgear and up-size the existing 22.4 megavolt-amperes (MVA) transformer to a 28 MVA transformer to support downtown’s growing electrical demand. 
In addition to the equipment replacement, portions of the substation facility will be re-arranged to provide greater flexibility for routine maintenance. The rearrangement will necessitate site grading, new concrete pads to accommodate the larger substation transformer footprint, and other ancillary support structures.
Staff recommends selecting Builders Guild Inc.(a Mesa business) as the CMAR for this project and awarding a Pre-Construction Services contract in the amount of $75,189. 
This project is funded by 2014 Electric bonds.

20-0836 Falcon Field Higley Ramp East Reconstruction Project (District 5)
Higley Ramp East was constructed in 2001. In 2017, ADOT evaluated the Higley Ramp East pavement and found that routine maintenance is no longer a solution to protect the current pavement and that full removal and replacement is necessary.  The scope of the project is  full removal and replacement of the existing pavement, which includes removal and replacement of all aircraft tie downs. 
Staff recommends awarding the contract for this project to the lowest, responsible bidder, Combs Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $498,464 and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $49,846.40 (10%), for a total award of $548,310.40. 
This project is funded by the Arizona Department of Transportation’s Airport Development Reimbursable Grant and Falcon Field Capital Grants Fund.