05 July 2017

Effective Thursday, July 6, 2017 | ADEQ Issues Ozone High Pollution Advisory for Maricopa County

Received this notification 18 minutes ago - here we go again!
Sure Maricopa County is growing fast, but it doesn't look any thing like smart growth - the environment is contaminated by toxic contaminated air. It's dangerous to breathe.
High Pollution Advisory (HPA): Notifies the public that the level of an air pollutant is expected to exceed the federal health standard.
Right. So what has Maricopa County effectively done to reduce ground level ozone formed by a chemical reaction among sunlight, nitrogen oxides (NOx) and VOCs . . .YOU CAN'T BLAME IT ON THE WEATHER or NEW MORE STRINGENT FEDERAL HEALTH STANDARDS
COMMENT ON FACEBOOK > Ask what they are doing . . .  demand action >> https://www.facebook.com/azdeq  
Exposure to toxic contaminated air year-after-year is a public health issue caused by fossil fuel-burning industries, industrial and commercial transport, expanding highways to suburbs far away from jobs that creates more pollution from commuter traffic.  
ADEQ has the gall to state this? The fact is that over the past two decades, Arizona has achieved significant improvements in our overall air quality and more specifically, lower ozone levels. 
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) provides a daily forecast for air quality and issues HPAs or Health Watches when these conditions exist. Please visit azdeq.gov/environ/air/ozone/ensemble.pdf for tomorrow’s forecast or SUBSCRIBE to receive air quality forecasts via email and/or text message.
CONTACT: Caroline Oppleman – (602) 771-2215 desk/(602) 540-8072 cell 
The Maricopa County Air Quality Department (MCAQD) is a regulatory agency whose goal is to ensure federal clean air standards are achieved and maintained for the residents and visitors of Maricopa County. The department is governed by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and follows ???? air quality standards set forth by the federal Clean Air Act.
The department offers air quality information and resources on its Clean Air Make More website: cleanairmakemore.com.
CONTACT: Bob Huhn – (602) 506-6713 desk/(602) 526-7307 cell

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